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The UAZ I stole on US21

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To Tyler and Cameron, and their third clanmate, sitting in between cherno and elektro with your two vehicles and l33t loot, the joy ride in your UAZ was awesome! The only weapon I had was an m1911 and 4 mags, and I took out two of you and stole your UAZ in the process :D I knew I shouldnt have gone back for the pickup truck sitting there, however it was too tempting to pass up. Too bad your guy with the DMR and nvg's raped me on the way back! If only I had had a rifle... how different things may have been. Pro tip: don't sit a kilometer from cherno with the headlights of your vehicle on, SITTING in the headlights chillin next to eachother. Chatting on voip too. The WTF?!!? was priceless! Your tears, they are delicious!!

EDIT: So I went and ate dinner, CAME BACK! And decided I'd go check if the UAZ was still where I hid it, to my delight, it was!! I drove it away and hid it somewhere safer, and then went back to the spot where the original two vehicles were! Some guy was standing there, and he was apparently AFK, with a dmr, nvg's and tons of mags! I rolled up to him to not make any noise as I was unarmed and wanted to search his pack for a weapon to kill him with! He had nothing, and I saw an industrial shed in the distance. I prayed, literally prayed for a hatchet. THERE WAS A HATCHET GISDGLJDSLFGHL. Anyway, I grabbed it, ran back, owned him!! Then stole his stuff and tried to get in the truck but I couldnt for some reason. Oh well, it seemed to be broken which is why they never moved it I guess, but this was just crazy :D

Edited by Brusann
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The UAZ was still hidden where I left it! WIN! BWAHAHHA.

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You guys should re read the edit, quite awesome indeed :D Hope you see this tyler and cameron!!

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These are the kinds of threads I love to read. They really make me think of what all this mod has come to :P

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us 21 is a CQF server i think , was it them?

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Not sure if he was desynced or not, still was able to loot his body just fine, and again, the only information I have is that their names were Tyler and Cameron and that there was a third player who's name I don't remember.

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CQF are a bunch of carebear boobs. It must've been them. It sounds exactly like something they would do.

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