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Theres a hacker in us355 Chicago right now. Teleporting the lobby to the airfield and killing all of them.. This is happening right now..

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apparently this is happening a lot...?

yes it is the new stream of hacks just came out and every hacker/cheater is trying it out. I heard the makers of the hack are streaming their hacks and hitting every server to prove it's undetectable to prove it is worth buying. I saw the stream up only once, only people who buy the game get the link, I found it it search only once and after I got in the stream went down but that's where I heard the hit every server thing. It's sad people are paying for a hack even more sad that the makers are trying to ruin a good thing. It is the height of buffoonery to see someone like a game so much that they make an add-on for it and that add-on is something that ruins the experience for everyone. Made by a smeghead for smegheads.

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