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Let's make a small team.

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Hey I've been playing for almost 2 weeks now. I've ha about 5 lives under my belt. I'm new, obviously, but i've quickly learned what needs to be done to survive.

I'm looking for a group, 2-3 players I think is nice. My time zone is -8gmt. I will be playing tonight, within an hour. Message me on here or steam if you're interested at RisingDragonFist

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I might join you, I'm in the same timezone. Do you mind 15 year olds?

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Im interested, Got skype? Im 13 years old and had a few deaths aswell.

Yeah. I just posted on the other thread you posted in so maybe we can all group up. And yeah, my skype is on the other thread.

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Add me on skype. I am total noob. 2 lives under my belt. 17 years old. My skype name is "zbajis"

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I'm at work right now, I will be logging in tonight, around 5 or 5:30 Pacific time. I will add you guys on skype. But you can do so with me at JoesGetNDown on skype.

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I usually play afternoons and nights (GMT -7) . 1st wk playing but got the basics down on what to do/not to do.

Steam: Soloran

Skype: Joey.2169

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Hey i played day z a few times now (meaning died alot) , i got the hang of it once and mamaged to get guns and good gear, then one zombie hit me and before i knew it i bled out. it would be very helpfull to have a team with me to back me up and i like to have it small enough, and if you would like me to joing my steam is "[uberZ - A] BlazeX" and my Skype is "damon.blazexx

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ill join you



13 years old

Edited by recon5198

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