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Small 2-4 man team?

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I'll be straight, never played in a big group, always got a fear that someone will backstab you in the end.

I would like to form a small 2-4 man group.

I can't exactly trust you guys, but I suppose as a peace offering I got a spare AKS-kobra, might be better then what you've got.

Communication wise; I don't know shit about TS, only how to join a server. I have skype though lol. :P

Skype name: luke.thompson1337

I'd be happy to see at least one other guy intrested in a small, well fit group - Hopefully some one who plays just as much as I do. :D

Second post, this is a hell of a messy thread attempting to get a group together but hey, you learn from experiance right?

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That sounds just great, Cameron.

Add my skype and i'll tell you some more information. c:

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I got a few guys that i play with occasionally, we could definatly use more people, however we mainly use steam. I have been backstabbed by a group of people after playing with them after a whole week playing everyday almost all day with em after i was fully geared up they straight up shot me in the back, but believe me im not that kind of guy. If you want you can add me on steam once it comes back online my id is nonwillknow. Only requirment is that you have an anti-bandit mindset, maturity and a microphone

Happy hunting

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Well, crow, I was also looking to slightly expand my group. We've got three people, but I don't mind not leading. My skype is grantsopro, but I'm eating right now. How about in 10 minutes? and I recently died, but I'm good at looting, so I'll be back up in no time! :D

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Might end up playing with another group, but if I can I'll join you guys. My skype is "jared.mk"

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i would like to join up, but i would like to know what region servers that you generally play on as i live in japan.

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