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Has anyone been able to place a tent since 1.5.8?

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Just adding my voice here. Can't seem to place a tent anywhere either. I also tried on the spot where my old tent was, no luck.

The new fireplace everywhere thing might have fucked things up a bit, not sure. Ah well, hopefully I won't die while it's still in my pack.

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i have seen many tents in but never placed one bymyself.

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Easy way I've found to get them to setup is to just keep the gear menu open and just move around while clicking place tent. Placed several tents in this manner post 1.5.8. Just be careful not to spam the button to much....

i think we tried this yesterday with no luck , in which part in the map did you place your tent successfully ?

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This is unfortunate because I'm sitting in a forest close to a good spot, with my bag packed full of good loot and nowhere to store it all :(

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Try Extenze' date=' noobs.


Good sir, you do not fully understand that, unlike you, we will never need to use Extenze in our entire life since we already satisfy to perfection. Please, go take some more Extenze and leave us alone.

Sincerely, Me.

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Yeah, I found some really logical spots where you can make a camp, and not a single tent was placed that day...

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Just spent two hours wasting my time in fields the size of county and i cant place one anywhere, tried to place tent beside another persons tent because i knew it woulndt work, and ....it didnt..so it doesn/t work

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