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Has anyone been able to place a tent since 1.5.8?

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I dont see anything in the patch notes that would affect tents at all, cept maybe in some crooked way the new interaction system from gear menu.

I've been running across all over the map for hours, small openings, huge openings, level openings, less level openings, level openings the size of 50 football fields, yet I can't seem to be able to place a tent no matter what.

It's strange because I could do it on the 4th try just 24 hours before.

So my question is, can anyone confirm that tents can be placed at all after the recent patch through the new inventory system?

Also does tall grass count as an object and can prevent placement of a tent? that'd explain why the most level and huge opening wont allow me to place mah cribz.

In my personal opinion persistency is good, stashing loot is thusly good, having a camp is awesome, you got your shit together there, possibly a few mates with their tents as well, in the middle of nowhere, enjoying a good hard earned campfire (and some wood to spare hopefully)... good times.

Currently you can pretty much only place a tent in the middle of Elektro or cherno, and even then the tent stops loading properly after the next server crash that happens about 12 times a day.

Soo... persistency wise the current version only supports living off your backpack.

And by no means this is this a whine, alpha is alpha, so this is just some input!...with questions ;)

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The new inventory system is certainly worse than what we had before.... I like the contextual scroll wheel interaction with inventory...

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The new inventory system is certainly worse than what we had before.... I like the contextual scroll wheel interaction with inventory...

Couldn't agree more.

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I like the new inventory system right now. I've yet to pitch a tent with this patch, but atleast I don't have to swim in water to fill my bottle now and I can drink and eat waht I want without having to throw them in my backpack. The inventory system should stay and be fixed in my opinion.

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Same thing here, my group wasted an hour or two trying to find a spots and ended up using up all of our firewood to stay warm, now we're all sick lol - ANYWAYS tents should be the same as fireplaces (placeable anywhere)

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The new inventory system is certainly worse than what we had before.... I like the contextual scroll wheel interaction with inventory...

Couldn't agree more.

this. i don't like the new system at all.

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At least the previous system actually worked ~.~ Also it would appear that some members of my group got moved from where we all logged off at near Berezino to the NW airfield, on top of the ATC tower. Every time the try climbing down the server crashes placing them back up there, or when the disconnect and logs back it they are back up there again.

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ANYWAYS tents should be the same as fireplaces (placeable anywhere)

Doesnt that make it too easy to make super hard to locate havens of loot storage. Thus reducing the effects of dying.

Theres already enough places to hide tents without allowing all the areas covered in forest to also be included surely?

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I've tried for about an hour to find a suitable place to put a tent in 1.58.2 and have only found one spot where it would let me place it. This spot was a by a body of water, but it didn't seem any less or more open than other places I've tried. It wasn't even completely flat like some of the places I've tried. Pretty frustrating, because my group has been looking for a tent for a while and now that we found one we can't place it anywhere (except for this one very specific spot, which would be looted 2 times a day).

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I can confirm this as well.

I wasted an hour trying to find a suitable place. No luck.

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Easy way I've found to get them to setup is to just keep the gear menu open and just move around while clicking place tent. Placed several tents in this manner post 1.5.8. Just be careful not to spam the button to much....

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Yeah I couldn't place a tent anywhere last night. Even tried in the middle of a flat-ish field, and in the middle of a very flat and very empty courtyard

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I've placed 5 tents since the patch.

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I went to NE airfield and couldn't even place the tent there. Swear to god that's probably the flattest and most obstruction free zone in the map. I walked up and down it trying to place it with no luck sooo something is wrong haha.

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No. Tryed 2 hours. It was beta server. I have tent there before the patch.

Same white warning message comes every time when you klick from the gear menu to pitch a tent. No matter how big field you are in.

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I havent even been able to find a tent for a half a week so I havent been able to test that out. Even in electro when I run through I cant find them. What is the spawn rate on those buggers?

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Fosty99' date=' how? Teach us?


Find some flat ground away from other objects, bring up the gear menu, right click on the tent and then left click on pitch tent.

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I tried placing my tent on the same exact area as a previously placed one on a different server. I lined it up perfectly and nada.

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