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Where is the Challenge? This is a survival game afterall!

Quick ideas to make the game a challenge again  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which subject would you like to see to present more of a challenge?

    • Bloodbags having a risk of infection and longer administration?
    • Blood types in the game (wrong blood type given could lead to death)
    • Morphine tolerance and or addiction (Painkillers being a less server case)
    • Zed run in a linear path but are headshot only
    • Food and ammo being hard to come by (assuming fresh spawns)
    • Being able to Make LE-IED (low explosive-Improvised explosive device) apply to Cars, Equipment, or enviroment.
    • Getting water from lakes, wells, ocean has to be disstled before drinking or take the risk of sickness
    • Food bourne illnesses from damaged cans

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To get things straight, I love this game and it has great potential to be a stand alone game with unique aspects. I understand this is Alpha, but this is prime time to experiment and sample all avenues. Community suggestions work well to advance the game in a favorable direction. So lets do that and only that, this means we are not going to assume things of other members, give tips on how to play, and definately not argue about the Bandit/ survivor issues.

I want this game to pose more of a challenge, by that i mean that i want to have something in the game other than hunting the less fortunate player. PVP is a huge part of the game, but i want this to not fall into a run of the line FPS and right now it seems that way.

From you the reader i want Ideas, your input is valueable as a tester. What i dont want is one sentence replies either to attack on troll another individual. I ask readers here that are actually serious about this game's direction to ignore and move on. After all they just want attention, i will try my best to keep this post on track. :)

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Yes, change the Zombie behavior but make it a headshot kill only. Would make my Dayz!

Maybe in the stand alone this feature can be implemented. Raising the number of zombies, their sight/hear made much more keen and maybe slowing them down.

I just want head shots only :D

Edited by Spinager
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change the patronising title

make the poll multiple-choice

add a 'survival is hard enough atm' option

remove all the crap about what you want from respondents

actually spend time discussing the lofty shit you want from the replies

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lol bloodbags w/ aids

i voted for morphine addiction

I would a assume russian health is simular to US, saying that you are checked for blood bourne ailgments, like aids. Shareing needles with a survivor could be a good example for your suggestion. I was thinking along the lines of you are not in a clean enviroment and you have a high chance of bacteria infections etc.

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I believe in all of them.. but basic needs should be the most difficult to come by, Food and ammo - would also be the easiest to modify, I'm sure...

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change the patronising title

make the poll multiple-choice

add a 'survival is hard enough atm' option

remove all the crap about what you want from respondents

actually spend time discussing the lofty shit you want from the replies


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change the patronising title

make the poll multiple-choice

add a 'survival is hard enough atm' option

remove all the crap about what you want from respondents

actually spend time discussing the lofty shit you want from the replies

making this multiple choice doesn't help. this poll is to make you choose on one idea that is best in your opinion, choosing everything bolsters the poll and gives no real answer. one choice makes you decide carefully.

Giving an option of the game is hard enough, contradicts the whole poll and post, if you dont want the game to be harder then don't submit a vote.

I state what i did in the OP due to failures in my previous post. I dont want to trail off in arguements that are offtopic and hostile.

I left of my input on these ideas in the OP to see what assumptions or suggestions other members have without thinking of trying to combat my input. I know my input and will respond as i did, i made this to see who agrees and where. (Also with no particular content on the OP i see a less chance to get a constant one line response of no)

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Zombies are nothing but a Joke! Do something about it rocket.. Thanks

Plz refrain from one liner with no suggestion or new ideas. Thanks

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I always joke about some of those things like food posining and sick from uncooked cans of food or getting aids from a buddys blood bag. However, I think being able to craft IEDs and pipe bombs and making ammo and food harder to come by would both be interesting. Howevever, while in he games current state, those things added alone would just make the game even more of a pvp death match. Not that I'm against pvp by any means, but I think that players need a incentive to team up before any of these things could be added. I also think that some of those ideas wouldnt even be possible to implement into the current engine. I voted for things to be harder to come by but those alone would just be even more of an incentive to just run arround blasting people at the possibility of a can of beans. (Even now, people do that anyways because they think its too risky to just ask, and sadly, it probably is.)

I also read somewhere that the "zombies" are not zombies. They are infected, so the need for traditionalist to headshot zombies is kinda out. I also think somewhere I read that rocket didnt want to mess the game up so zombies were going to stay the same for a while. Lining up a headshot with somthing running straight at you wouldnt be very hard and a door or fence could just be used as a choke point to slaughtering them. Also the hill climbing method of losing zombies would be even easier with the proposed straight line zombies. Otherwise, good stuff.

Edited by joeasyrida

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This is not a survival mod. It isn't man vs wild, the danger aspect isn't in environmental factors, it is the well-armed man on the top of the hill whose intentions are unknown. The zombies are an environmental factor, and rocket said so himself that they would not constitute the primary threat. I didn't want to add any of these since i think the difficulty is at a good spot in the environment. The players are downright dangerous, and the environment modifies your decisions in regards to players. Will I shoot with my loud gun with all the zombies around?

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I always joke about some of those things like food posining and sick from uncooked cans of food or getting aids from a buddys blood bag. However, I think being able to craft IEDs and pipe bombs and making ammo and food harder to come by would both be interesting. Howevever, while in he games current state, those things added alone would just make the game even more of a pvp death match. Not that I'm against pvp by any means, but I think that players need a incentive to team up before any of these things could be added. I also think that some of those ideas wouldnt even be possible to implement into the current engine. I voted for things to be harder to come by but those alone would just be even more of an incentive to just run arround blasting people at the possibility of a can of beans. (Even now, people do that anyways because they think its too risky to just ask, and sadly, it probably is.)

I also read somewhere that the "zombies" are not zombies. They are infected, so the need for traditionalist to headshot zombies is kinda out. I also think somewhere I read that rocket didnt want to mess the game up so zombies were going to stay the same for a while. Lining up a headshot with somthing running straight at you wouldnt be very hard and a door or fence could just be used as a choke point to slaughtering them. Also the hill climbing method of losing zombies would be even easier with the proposed straight line zombies. Otherwise, good stuff.

The whole killing for beans will finally be true tho lol. People say that now and i laugh cuz it's nearly impossible to go hungry or thristy, so at least they won't be lying to my face. They were actually hungry :).

The Zed i want to be a threat, right now they are trees that growl at me. That was the first thing in my head :P

Also the whole IED pvp is to set a feel of risk when looting camps or putting tabs on building, if say you want to lock down a town with to create a road block ambush. I can see where this can get out of had seeing the primarry use of wire fence is to troll and be and idiot.

This is not a survival mod. It isn't man vs wild, the danger aspect isn't in environmental factors, it is the well-armed man on the top of the hill whose intentions are unknown. The zombies are an environmental factor, and rocket said so himself that they would not constitute the primary threat. I didn't want to add any of these since i think the difficulty is at a good spot in the environment. The players are downright dangerous, and the environment modifies your decisions in regards to players. Will I shoot with my loud gun with all the zombies around?

The enviroment is not hostile at all. If this is not a survival game then why is step 3 on the main page "survive"? Right now Zed are only there to indicate if some one has been there recently, 9/10 it works. Shooting my loud ass gun in the middle of town doesn't pose much a harm to you, more so if im the overwatch for my team and on a roof. Im saying this game is so easy that the only challenge a normal player has is to PVP for little to no gain. For me that is not even a challenge anymore, i want the game to be hard enough that killing is needed to survive and not cause its a KoS community. Make the game harder, people will band together, not every one will have the same idea (perfect example here) and this will cause unity and division. Don't worry im not trying to get rid of your precious shoot em up game. I just want a challenge on my end.

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Yes, change the Zombie behavior but make it a headshot kill only.

Not good for people with high pings, and heaps of us are playing overseas because servers in our own country are too crowded

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Not good for people with high pings, and heaps of us are playing overseas because servers in our own country are too crowded

Well, I'm from the US, and there are plenty of servers to join over here. I've also seen plenty of servers overseas. i don't see how this would be a problem. This is not like the days where there was only 10 servers and 3,000 players trying to join.

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Isnt this thread just a copy of the entire suggestions forum? what is the point of this thread? seriously?

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Its not dangerous enough because zeds are only in towns, if there were zeds in the woods and plains (maybe they spawn around areas of intrest with loot like the heli crash sites) it would be more scary.

Or other types of infected which are more dangerous would be an option.

I quote an old idea of myself, where i tried to adress those problems too:

What you think of diffrent zones with diffrent conditions?

I would suggest 4 of them, i painted a map to explain.

The first both dont change much, maybe weather conditions and a bit spawnrates of loot and zeds.

Green Zone (spawn area wich big cities and much zeds)

-infected spawn rate as it is now

-loot as it is now

Yellow Zone (inland)

-infected spawn rate as it is now

-loot as it is now

-chopper spawns as it is now

-maybe spawn random camps in the deep woods which spawn loot and zeds

The last 2 Zones are more dangerous, the infection was developed from the military in their area behind the airbase to protect their research area and the castle. The zeds are more and stronger because they are longer infected and wearing military clothes.

Orange Zone (regular military zone)

-higher infected spawn rate

-loot as it is now

-random dead military patrols and outposts wich spawn zeds and sometimes loot

Red Zone (military research and test area)

-high infected spawnrate (maybe 1-2 stronger versions of infected, longer infected)

-permanent bad weather in that area

-spawn random military bunkers, dead patrols, vehicles and stuff deep in the woods with many zeds around and loot.

- maybe a military field hospital with medic supplies and aggro doctor zeds wich are stronger than normal ones because they are infected first

-or spawn real enemy soldiers wich are not infected and armed to make it look that the military try to clean up the evidences


Edited by Smithy

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Isnt this thread just a copy of the entire suggestions forum? what is the point of this thread? seriously?

Haha, I know right.

It's like "Hey lets suggest ways to improve the game!"

Like, right. That's why this forum exists.

If you have suggestions, go post them.

This thread is like a forum-within-a-forum.

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