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Weird how the game and Players turn you.....

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So. I wanted to be clean. Survive myself and leave others be. Then last night, having survived many hours play I was confronted by a survivor. He typed 'Friendly' so i responded the same. As I hit return, he shot me. Dead. Hours of play over.

At first I was pi55ed, Then it dawned on me, THIS is what it would be like. THIS is an apocalypse.

My mindset has changed to the extent that if I see you and you don't see me, I will happily let you go. I am not out to ruin anyone's game. I am happy to survive under my own steam and 'live' in this world of hell. trouble is, if I think you have seen me, I will drop you quicker than a cheap whore's knickers.

I finally realised that PvP actually MAKES this game what it is. Its easy to avoid the Zeds, its the Players who make the game. I team up with friends and will happily have anyone travel with me but in this world of the living dead, where it is survival of the fittest, I have found a balance. Leave those who are oblivious to my presence, but Kill anyone who is a threat.

Lets Survive People. Lets Win this war against the dead!

Edited by kappatango
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Thanks for not making another QQ thread!

I hope we'll be able to make clans and build bases soon (in a few months) to have huge clans wars :D

Edited by Kiro

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Nice thread.

It's incredible, how a buggy, unfinished game (mod) can inflict such emotion.

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I'm friendly... so much that I've healed 2 strangers within an hour once.

But... I would be bored without bandits. I think the balance is about right, at this time, between friendlies, bandits and paranoid survivors.

If anything I think people have gotten a little more open to yelling/typing friendly, which is nice, I dont want every encounter to end in blood.

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u really shouldn't go with cheap whores

Never said I have been. They just have reputations. Cheap = need for more custom = quick to drop :P

Edited by kappatango

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The only difference between you and me is I always take the opportunity to kill anyone I see, especially if they havn't seen me first. Why? Because that person is a potential threat, because I'm not going to server hop to get away from that person, because I'm probably going to end up running into that person again within a few minutes and when I do I might not have the upper hand.

I elimate all and any risks to my guy's survival. I've even killed players without weapons in the same major towns I was looting simply because it can take them less than 3 minutes to find a weapon and come hunting me.

Basically: If I see you I will kill you.

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The only difference between you and me is I always take the opportunity to kill anyone I see, especially if they havn't seen me first. Why? Because that person is a potential threat, because I'm not going to server hop to get away from that person, because I'm probably going to end up running into that person again within a few minutes and when I do I might not have the upper hand.

I elimate all and any risks to my guy's survival. I've even killed players without weapons in the same major towns I was looting simply because it can take them less than 3 minutes to find a weapon and come hunting me.

Basically: If I see you I will kill you.

Thats Fair enough Snake ( great name BTW, love MGS :) )

And it is people like you that are NEEDED in this world. You bring that fear and reality that no AI can.

I will not server hop either. I will not quit for fear. But there are 3 clear types of player emerging:

1: Base Survivor who minds his own business and never PK's

2: Evolved Survivor who is aware of his surroundings and lives for himself but is not afraid to defend under threat

3: Bandit. Kill no matter what

Love this mod....

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Yup thats about where I'm at with others I don't know.

My first was a fella that came running into a barn I was in with a train of infected.

He's struggling with a hatchet, standing in the large door getting beat down by infected. Some start coming in from the rear door and hitting him as well.

Well I'm fully stocked on 1866 ammo, so I fire from upstairs and help this guy deal with his zombie problem.

I start to dig through my inventory to toss this hapless fella a band aid and immediately start taking hatchet hits to my brow area.

I close my inventory as fast as possible and drop him , but with my new broken leg and a 8000k journey to the nearest hospital I learned one very valuable Dayz lesson.

My heart gets pumping like crazy now every time I even spot a player.

Edited by HanoverFist
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If someone doesn't spot me, he can live and I will ignore him, I won't even help him if he's in distress.

But notice me? I hope you are better way far and got no weapon but an axe or you love an entire magazine unloaded into your centre mass.

Last this guy entered the white barn I was hiding in, if he had not looked up he could have made it out a live, with only an AKM on his back and a small backpack he had no vallue to me.

But he looked up.

And I unloaded my gun into him.

Feel sorry for it, but if he'd seen the ACOG I was holding he would have shot me just the same.

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I am glad I allowed myself to realise this and change the way I play enough to defend myself. I think too many people want an easy life with no PvP without realising that this part of the game, probably sub consciously, is making them have the natural fear of the world they are trying to survive in.

Don't quit. Don't become a full bandit - but if you need to kill to live, accept that you do what you have to do. Like I said, I will no kill in cold blood. I will not hunt you down. Pass me by without knowing I am here and you live.

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Becoming paranoid means that the terrorists have won. If everyone avoids everyone else and they are in fear thinking 'that's the only way to be safe' because one time one ungrateful 12 year old shit all over them with a Makarov then of course people are going to be killing each other on sight. It's a classic cycle of violence.

I helped 3 guys today, killed a bandit, killed another guy who shot at me and also killed a friendly who I presumed was a bandit until he shouted friendly (I tried to save him but he glitched and was somehow alive with -13 blood, bandaging him/blood transfusion didn't work, he eventually died). At another time and another place I might have killed those I helped today, they might have killed me, or maybe I would be helping one of those guys I fragged. No-one has perfect judgement ever but we can all do a little better then "I presume everyone else is trying to kill me, at all times".

I think tomorrow I will load a backpack up with beans and then go distribute them to new spawns and the defenseless, maybe even some players with weapons. So if you're walking past an alleyway and a shady guy is in the shadows in there is saying "ey you, ey. you want some beans?..." please don't kill me because you think it's an act of provocation.

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I try my best to avoid folks generally. I don't hunt people, but if they get near me and aren't saying anything, I'm gonna gun you down. I actually helped someone today. He was obviously a noob, running around, I only had a hatchet cause I respawned, but I took down the zombies, healed him up (Didn't know you get check pulse and stuff), got him on his feet, and then he sorta followed me around. Sorta regretted it, knowing he was gonna get me killed, but he ran off somewhere else and I continued on lol I try to be the good guy, when I can, but until there's a better system for saying friendly and stuff like that, I'm more inclined shoot first. Restarting can be very annoying at times.

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Nice to see so many who only kill when threatened, Game is great fun with ALL types of players. Who are you going to be?

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