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Small Group of New DayZians - Join Us! :)

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Hello All,

I am about 15 hours into this game (i wish on one life) and have realized its imperative to find and run with a group. I'm looking for just a few rookie players (such as myself) that wish to operate as one group. No leader. We all vote and decide on what to do. Hope to see you out there!


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im also new nad looking for a group of friendlies

Edited by Alfts

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What is your steam name R3ver so we can add you , mine is

Steam: NumberOneNA

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hello, feel free to add me, only know 1 guy who is very little on. and i feel that a group is needed to play the game full.

skype: Tiorb_

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Right now my friend and I are using skype. My name is Steve.Stevenson420. We are waiting like 10 mins for anyone that wants to join us right now. Add me as a friend on skype and ill conference call you. We will go from there..

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Anyone want to join? We're in between games.

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Hey R3VER after coming across this post, I have a couple or questions for you, the first being what time zone are you in myself being in GMT, and two I am travelling in a group of 4, im the only experienced one in the group but are willing to take on as many as we can to join our lovely group, if you are interested just send us a message and bring some of your trusted friends, we are going to be heading north soon so a rapid reply may be needed thank you. And good luck.

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Ok, I have no idea what the health care thing is about but I have been playing for several weeks dying repeatedly on my own so now its time for a group. BrockStar on steam and BrockStar37 on skype if anyone wants to add me usually play between 4 and 11pm-est. any server seems to work. I know the map pretty well and the loot spots.

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Hey im looking for a consistent group to play with. Im a few weeks in so not entirely new however definitely tired of looting alone. Add me on Steam: 2200 or PM

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Id like to join a group, because im tired of getting killed so quick, when i finally have blood packs and guns, a group just kills me and take all my stuff :l

Feel free to add me :]

*Skype: President_Capone

i can do voice chat but im not english but i speak good english

Edited by Trollzor

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Add me - skype victor.mikolajczyk

steam : v_mikolajczyk

18 y/o

want to play with some people!

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Add me

Skype: mafia_taco

Steam: mafia_taco

Add me if you want to join me! and also im new ive played for like 20 mins. but i know the basics and want people to play with because it can get scarey getting almost kill twice :D

Edited by mafia_taco

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Ive gone through a couple of lives and always died to other players so wouldnt mind playing with others


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I know the game pretty well but I love playing with people, add me on Skype and I can give you some tips :D

TheDude8D (Ryan Rynoldo)

Edited by TheDude8D

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Skype : dimpsystyle

i am somewhat noobish but like to say i play "like a boss" in other words my goal is to live for more than an hour just once

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