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My take on the Zombie Apocalypse.

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Its the fricking Zombie Apocalypse!!! Zombies have obviously over run the world and have killed off your friends, family, and loved ones. Why are you killing those who could help you? Those who are alone like yourself?

"I kill to survive"

"I needed/wanted his stuff"

"I want your beans"

"I'm a dick"

"I would kill everyone I saw in real life in this situation because I am a bad ass and Lee Enfields populate every home"

What you are doing is not surviving. Murder is what it is. As I have stated before. This is the Zombie Apocalyse. Zombies have killed off most of the world. Not we humans. If it were us, then it would not be the Zombie Apocalypse, it would be called...Genocide.

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Here they go hand in hand, so you have a legitimate answer. Though those doing the murdering in game are not doing it for survival, I can assure you that. That guy with the coyote bag and flashlight is not an HVT.

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