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Quiver, Repeating Crossbow, Poison, and more

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I've been thinking that you should be able to upgrade stuff/make your own barricades if you have a toolbox, wood, and scrap metal etc. So some home-made barricades would be pretty sweet.

I've used the crossbow occasionally, and I thought that it would be pretty cool if you can have a quiver that carries like 10 bolts for the single fire crossbow, making it not so cumbersome to carry ammo. A repeating crossbow should be a rare find in deerstands or farmhouses, 5 bolts per bolt rack. you can fill a bolt rack with 5 steel bolts, etc.

Poison, which should be able to be made at major industrial areas (Due to the chemical usage of industrial plants), and be put into empty whiskey bottles, and then proceeded to be used to put on beartraps and crossbow bolts. The poison would make everything for the victim incredibly blurry, as well as dealing 3,000-8,000 slow bloodloss that can't be stopped, but can be slowed with ingestion of fluids and food.

Beartraps should cause bleeding and impact damage when people step over them. They have teeth for a reason.

Foraging: There are those apple tree orchards in Berezino, you should be able to search fruit-bearing trees and vegetable farming fields for food. They have to be washed in water or poured water over before eating. not every tree should have food, not every crop. Just some.

Treating wounds: You should have to wash off wounds that you bandaged. If not, 40% chance of infection

Skulls made of bone, not paper mache': Zombies shouldn't be able to knock you out if you have less than 9000 blood. There is no logical reason why that would happen if there's still significant blood in your body to the point where you don't have any impaired vision etc... If anything, run slower at 9000 blood.

Revive: Another reason for players to work together. If one person dies, they can still remain in a stasis for 5 minutes before truly dying. If another player gets to them within that 5 minute period, they should be able to either administer an Epi-pen or blood transfusion. The Epi-Pen will not revive them or give them back any health, only restart the 5 minute timer. The blood transfusion should give them back blood slowly (Or not, whatever.), and the unconscious player will have to wait 10 minutes to regain consciousness, in which the care-giving player must guard them.

Medical bag: Bandages shouldn't take up a whole space, maybe have a "Medical Compartment" in the main backpack to put medical supplies in, since they hardly take any space.

- Why do you take a WHOLE BOX of painkillers everytime you're hurt? 1 box should give you 5 doses at least.

Infection goes as follows:

Infection should prove hampering to many areas of basic functions, like 10% slower movement, coughing sneezing, vision is blurred, etc. Because in the real world, infections pose serious problems. They should here too.

I propose different degrees of infections or different diseases presenting different symptoms, that are brought on by three different sources, progressing if left untreated.

Getting hit from a zombie and bleeding without washing your wounds would present symptoms, from the most minor to the most severe: After 20 minutes: Sniffling (No effect other than audible sound), 40 minutes Coughing (You get thirsty 50% quicker), 90 minutes Fatigue: (You get hungry 50% quicker and move at only 80% of your regular speed. The minimum amount of wobble for the aiming is increased, basically you can't return to a serene, clear shot), 3 hours Ataxia: you can only run 50% of your original run speed. Highly blurred vision, aiming is nearly impossible. You can't hear anything. All of these symptoms stack up.

Getting infected from Cold is a different mechanic depending on how much you were exposed to the rain/night, also, moving at night doesn't help as much. Keeping warm can prevent it, and all of these symptoms besides hypothermia can go away instantly with antibiotics, or they can all go away over time if you become exposed to heat: exposed for 3 minutes:Sniffling, 5 minutes: sneezing, (same thing as sniffling but louder), 11 minutes till pneumonia (Constant drivveling and sneezing, as well as slightly blurred vision), 22 minutes till Hypothermia: Incredible shaking, you move 70% of your regular run speed. These symptoms stack up.

Broken bones/Getting shot/beartraps/razorwire, the time is how long it goes untreated. Washing it can cure you if it's in the first and second, and can all can be cured with antiobiotics until it gets to the fourth and 5th stages: 15 minutes Basic infection (Coughing and sneezing, causing faster fluid loss). 30 minutes until Aches and pains set in: (You mumble and make noises of pain when you move, you can only move 75% as fast), 50 minutes until Nausea: (Can't keep your food down. Food only heals you half as much and you can only get half full on food.) 90 minutes: Hemophilia (you bleed from taking any damage at all, is cured if you take antiobiotics and rest somewhere for 20 minutes (timer resets if you take damage)) three hours: Necrosis (your body tissue begins to die starting from the infected region. Lose 15 blood every second. Move only 30% of your regular speed. You're going to die.)

Edited by HacksignX
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Currently, crossbow bolts often knock someone down anyway. The poison is relatively null at that point, except for bleedout which, hey happens when you are shot anyway. Bandaging while knocked out is hard.

Repeating crossbow

You are more likely to find military grade weapons than a repeating crossbow in general. These things are so uncommon due to, you guessed it, firearms being more relevant to a modern society.


Could be worthwhile, but the factor of there not being food in every tree is immediately forcing players to go tree to tree to try and get items. Especially considering food is already not hard to get, I doubt people would prefer travelling to the obscure locations that have orchards simply to then have to use water to consume food, rather than going to a store or picking them off someone elses body.


Good times. How do you propose this feature functions? Is the blood cap lowered? Does the player bleed out? Do they sneeze and cough? What happens to their vision? Is their movement impaired in any way? What about their aim? Do they pass out randomly?


I definitely see people walk away from getting shot in the head regularly. In addition, if the timer takes that long, I could already be 3/4 of the way back to Stary Sobor if I spawned in the Cherno area, without putting the pressure on my team to deal with watching my body. This is a feature for games. Day Z is a simulator. Death is supposed to have repercussions to force a stronger risk versus reward system. If you can be revived, there is no risk.


Military medical dressings are similar in size to a handgun mag. Hence their slotting.


They are low doseage. A whole box IS necessary.

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Excellent counterpoints.

However, I'm trying to make some game mechanics that are currently useless, useful. Such as Epi-pens. :/ They have no real purpose unless very specific situations present themselves.

Infection should prove hampering to many areas of basic functions, like 10% slower, coughing sneezing, very slow blood loss that doesn't stop until you find antibiotics. (Like, -2 blood every three seconds.), vision is blurred, etc. Because in the real world, infections pose serious problems. They should here too.

I propose different degrees of infections or different diseases presenting different symptoms, progressing if left untreated.

Getting hit from a zombie and bleeding without washing your wounds would present symptoms, from the most minor to the most severe: After 20 minutes: Sniffling (No effect other than audible sound), 40 minutes Coughing (You get thirsty 50% quicker), 90 minutes Fatigue: (You get hungry 50% quicker and move at only 80% of your regular speed. The minimum amount of wobble for the aiming is increased, basically you can't return to a serene, clear shot), 3 hours Ataxia: you can only run 50% of your original run speed. Highly blurred vision, aiming is nearly impossible. You can't hear anything. All of these symptoms stack up.

Getting infected from Cold is a different mechanic depending on how much you were exposed to the rain/night, also, moving at night doesn't help as much. Keeping warm can prevent it, and all of these symptoms besides hypothermia can go away instantly with antibiotics, or they can all go away over time if you become exposed to heat: exposed for 3 minutes:Sniffling, 5 minutes: sneezing, (same thing as sniffling but louder), 11 minutes till pneumonia (Constant drivveling and sneezing, as well as slightly blurred vision), 22 minutes till Hypothermia: Incredible shaking, you move 70% of your regular run speed. These symptoms stack up.

Broken bones/Getting shot/beartraps/razorwire, the time is how long it goes untreated. Washing it can cure you if it's in the first and second, and can all can be cured with antiobiotics until it gets to the fourth and 5th stages: 15 minutes Basic infection (Coughing and sneezing, causing faster fluid loss). 30 minutes until Aches and pains set in: (You mumble and make noises of pain when you move, you can only move 75% as fast), 50 minutes until Nausea: (Can't keep your food down. Food only heals you half as much and you can only get half full on food.) 90 minutes: Hemophilia (you bleed from taking any damage at all, is cured if you take antiobiotics and rest somewhere for 20 minutes (timer resets if you take damage)) three hours: Necrosis (your body tissue begins to die starting from the infected region. Lose 15 blood every second. Move only 30% of your regular speed. You're going to die.)

Edited by HacksignX

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My Beans to you sir. I'm sure as time goes on and Dean has less housekeeping to do he will be adding new useful features. I agree with a quiver idea, bolts taking up so much space is brutal. Perhaps an ammo pouch option that takes up an inventory space. Water bottles not being used up after one go. Starvation not killing you right away, just making you weaker or unable to hold your breath when shooting. I really wish guns did not take up multiple spots. The inventory is really all that I have issues with in the world.

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Once again, read the "before you post" on the main page.

My main beef with this-Ataxia? You don't get ataxia from an infected wound, you get it from a stroke or other form of brain related injury. Also, excessively realistic medial systems would be so difficult to implement it would basically make this mod a medical sim.

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