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Servers/Server Options Gone In-Game After Update (Not Same Issue)

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I've seen people stating they're not seeing any servers at all the last two days, and I've had the same problem in-game. Server issues, obviously.

However, after the last beta update, the in-game server list AND options in ArmA are completely missing for me, including the "Filter" and "Refresh" buttons... just gone, even when the servers have been up.

Anyone else completely missing the in-game server list as well as the buttons?

It's one thing for the server list to be empty, but to be missing buttons from the actual HUD is a different story, especially when the servers are up.

A friend of mine says he's not having the same problem, so it's obviously not happening to everyone.

Last night, when the servers came back up, they were listed in SixLauncher, but my in-game server list was still empty and options missing from the HUD.

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