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Roosterteeth us125 someone napalming cherno

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Was running around cherno, saw a few raised buildings which immediatly put me on edge, figured it was done a while ago. As i'm running in the field away from the hospital i hear what sounds like a jet or something almost on top of me. Knowing this isn't right i immediately dc. I come back and the hospital/apartments and field next to where I was standing were all on fire.

Screenshot of the fire didn't catch for some reason and all i got was my desktop, used fraps to take a image of the lobby player list since i didn't want to reenter the world.

Time: 1:50-2:05 PM pacific time

Server: US125 hosted by Roosterteeth

Edit: re-entered by accident so i ended up taking some screenshots of the aftermath.

US125 ScreenShots.zip

Edited by Rowrin

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