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Full Explanation of Icons in Bottom Right

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Sorry if this is a repost, but I have been googling and checking around these forums and unless I am blind (which might be the issue!) I have not figured out some of the icons. I know what the food water, blood are.. There is a mask, which I read some where, is just a representatoin of your humanity? Now with 1.5.7 there is a temperature icon which I guess directly relates to your body temp.. I have seen 2 other icons pop up from time to time, one is a broken bone, which appears when you break your bones from a fall or hard zombie hit. But what is the other white icon? I see it sometimes and I am not sure what it represents..

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Water bottle = Thirst

Food = Hunger

Mask = Humanity/Bandit representation (It changes the further you go negative or positive)

Tempature = The tempature

Liquid Drop = Blood level + Bleeding

Broken Bone = Broken Bones

Other icon = ??? Shock I forgot what it looks like

Broken Chain = Desync/Lag

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Welcome to the DayZ forums Tokae.

Your right about the mask icon, that shows how good/evil you are. The more your humanity goes up the 'happier' the icon appears. The lower it goes, the 'angrier' it appears.

The temperature icon will come into effect with the new patch. The two white icons; the first being the broken bone is as you've stated. The other is a disconnection penalty. For example, before if you fall off a ladder and it appears, if you were to disconnect, the next time you rejoin a server you'll be penalized. I've never had it happen to me but I believe if you do try to rejoin you'll be presented with the egg timer and have to wait a set amount of time before you can carry on playing.

I hope that explains it for you. If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.


See you somewhere Chernarus. Have fun, stay safe.

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Thanks for that! Yeah I had no idea about the top white icon.. It randomly comes on and I have no idea why..

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Just to be clear I have attached a copy of the icon, so that one means I am being penalized for disconnecting?

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Yeah I am not talking about that, I get that white icon randomly while just running around..

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has all of them, thats probably shock

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Yeah it still doesn't show the icon, but I assume its shock.. Thanks!

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