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Andarne (DayZ)

[Video] Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod!

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Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod!

This topic is to show off the upcoming series, Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod, as well as gather creative criticism and responses that can't be fully fleshed out on Youtube. I welcome all positive feedback, and will update this thread (should it remain open) when new videos are added to this series.

First Episode - Thirst For Adventure

This episode was a pilot test to see if Arma 2: DayZ was a suitable thing to be recorded, so expect me to blabble on in it.

Second Episode - Oh Bloody Hell...

In this episode, I have managed to somehow end up at PvP central, Electro! With a blown up bus, and a horde of Zombies at my tail...

Edited by Andarne

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Third Episode - Rollin' Wheels

In this episode, I escape from Electro and into the wilderness with help from my new mechanical friend!

Fourth Episode - Soaring Beyond


After logging in from last time, I find that other players have been around, and destroyed my vehicle. Luckily, they left one of their own...

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