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Illegal weapon(s)?

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uhm, hello everyone! i have two questions. on my person i have a M4A1 SSC silenced. is this a legal wep? cause our server is having a bit of an issiue with hackers, and i found it in a tent, together with an DMR, NVG, Range finder, GPS, the best backpack, and all sorts of other stuff. i hope its not a hacker wep :/

also, is there a list of what may be illegal weapons and not?

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All of that stuff is legit + you CANT get banned for using hacked weapons/vehicles. I'm have using hacked weapon like 1 month now and I have flew a-10 and some Apaches (I didint spawn them) and still no bans onsight.

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Check the DayZ wiki and see if you can find it, but I'm pretty sure (thinking the name you gave was a spelling error) it's legit.

Edited by Zeromentor

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well, i have no doubt that i misspelled it, so thanks! i got great gear then! :D never logging back in, out of fear of loosing it.....

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