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The game is cheating for me...no hacks needed

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Every 3-5 times I login to my character, no matter the server...

Immediate death


Respawn in random default spawn location

Still have all my items I "died" with (sometimes items are missing or get duplicated)

Go back to my camp (which is where I always log out)

See my body has all the items I "died" with


Anyone else have this happen to them? I don't like cheating, but I guess the game does it for me :P

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This happened to me twice.

I hid the bodies.

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Yeah I do that...sadly my friend just loots the body and lols...

It happens almost all the time :( And then I have to run all the way back to camp lol..

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I always feel sad for this smiley. :(

Well nevermind.

Anyway could it be a problem with you connection or were you server hoping when it happened? I had this bug once Because I was searching for a server I was just kicked from due to high latency (wich could be considered as server hoping) and it almost killed me.

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hey I logged out with 2 m240 porkchops and came back in with 4 the next day. Simply Amazing!

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Could be connection related. Personally, I almost never server hop. I did a while ago, but that was because I was trying to find a good server. Now I just stick with...well...there was US 602 I was on about a week ago, but it is shutting down. Found a new server a couple days ago. But, I don't keep switching between servers.

I don't know why it would KO me, respawn me with roughly same items and then duplicate everything, if it was connection. My ping is always good on the server I'm on...not sure if that relates to connection or not.

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I also made 2 NV Goggles out of 1.

Put it in my bag...mmh lag lag lag can't put it in lag lag...oh now i have 2 :)

Also works good with cars, i so often duplicate items with cars and serverlag. But i also lose them as often :/

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