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Hacker on DE210 - Name: Schlomo

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Today my crew and me had some sction at the nw airfield, where we killed 6 players. one guy had a really nice gun. g36c sd camo. If this gun actually is in game im sorry for this thread. but i guess this gun is not official dayz weapon, so i think mr schlomo is a hacker see pics

what happened:

at the place where we killed the first three guys i was covering the NW airfield while my team was saving the gear of our first three victims in a tent.

Then suddenly two player were next to me starting shooting at me. total noobs because didnt hit me ... i flew while my mates running to that spot.

They shot one and killed the other one with a grenade... then someone was shooting at them with a silenced weapon and ghillie clothing.

after few seconds we got him aswell. Thats why i know that it was schlomo because his named appeared with the notice "killed" the moment my mate confirmed the guy in ghillie suite as killed.

Then we saw that he had a g36c ... nice one ....

here are the pics:




Edited by sion.ger

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Hi Sion!

Thanks for the information, I will keep an eye on him. And you are right the Camo g36 c isnt a regular weapon of day Z.

But it hard to prove that he was the one who "cheated", maybe he found the weapon or something. Hope you will just drop it somewhere where noone will find it ;)

I will be thankful for further evindence.

But thanks for your sharp eye and that you help to keep the Server "clean".

Hope you still enjoy to play on our Server!

If you have further questions, feel free to ask me.

See you out there!


Sorry for the delayed answer, took me some time to find the validation E-mail in my spam folder ;)



Edited by Fatuus

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we left it in his body and hided him ;)

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