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Swoosh Bear

Convert or DIE

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That is what DayZ is happening. As you all know, pvp is becoming more so, shoot on sight. This is directed at the those who don't do the latter. You few people left who always try to desperately yell, "Friendly! Don't shoot!", and only get the response of a bullet to the brain, you will become bandits.

Yes. I am not kidding you. You WILL become bandits. Why? Because after being killed 5 more, 10 more, or 20 more times, you will realize there is no other way in DayZ anymore and that you must become a bandit, shoot on sight out of necessity. Don't cry about this, don't cry about how it ruins the immersion if its shoot on sight all the time. Don't cry period. Read on.

My point is DayZ is a rapidly changing game with a rapidly changing playerbase which calls for a rapid change in players' behavior. You can't be attached to your old ways. DayZ is changing, has always been changing, and there is nothing you can do about it. It's the way I think Rocket intended it to be.

You have to adapt to survive.

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Sorry but no, From What I hear there will be some differences with DayZ in future releases, There are no reasons to convert just yet.

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DayZ has always been like this. Good work detective, that one really stumped us huh.

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and soon we will have a cheap S.T.A.L.K.E.R MP copy with slight co-op like features. Yay. If it becomes like that then I think it doesn't matter if you play DayZ or any other FPS game where you shoot everybody on sight and then the game has lost it's original appeal and purpose. Yay. Destroyed by it's own community and players.. says a lot about the players.

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DayZ has always been like this. Good work detective, that one really stumped us huh.

I know it has. But people don't realize this. They can't keep clinging to their old ways. Hence why I made this thread.

Sorry but no, From What I hear there will be some differences with DayZ in future releases, There are no reasons to convert just yet.

You can always go back :P

and soon we will have a cheap S.T.A.L.K.E.R MP copy with slight co-op like features. Yay. If it becomes like that then I think it doesn't matter if you play DayZ or any other FPS game where you shoot everybody on sight and then the game has lost it's original appeal and purpose. Yay. Destroyed by it's own community and players.. says a lot about the players.

It's only destroyed because you haven't adapted/moved on from your old ways.

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I would like to see the option to choose Bandit or Survivor.

Kill more than 3-4 fellow surviors and you die, but accidents do happen. Kill all the bandits you want too.

Bandits can kill everything.

Spawning on the map can be seperated into those two choices as well. Spawning each faction on opposite sides of the map gives people a chance to survive sniping morons.

Then more of a front line will develope in the game with the best loot centralized. Town and regions could become controlled by those factions, understood it would be relative to the server.

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Each player has the choice to behave the way they see fit. The original post is no different than the multitudes of posts with complaints about KoS, it's an opinion.

I'll keep playing friendly.

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I would like to see the option to choose Bandit or Survivor.

Kill more than 3-4 fellow surviors and you die, but accidents do happen. Kill all the bandits you want too.

Bandits can kill everything.

Spawning on the map can be seperated into those two choices as well. Spawning each faction on opposite sides of the map gives people a chance to survive sniping morons.

Then more of a front line will develope in the game with the best loot centralized. Town and regions could become controlled by those factions, understood it would be relative to the server.

THIS, THIS THIS THIS! Me and my buddy were discussing about this earlier today, we both hate bandits so much that we would love to rip their heads off and shit down their necks if we could, but also agreed that they are essential part of the game, even if they are assholes. And now that the whole bandit skin/humanity thing has been removed we were thinking what could be done about that and came up with an idea based on the "male or female char" thing you have to choose when making new character. It would ask whether you wish to play as a bandit or as a survivor and based on the option you choose, you either spawn at the coast or if a bandit, far up North or something. Making spawnkilling less likely and having to choose what style of playing you will do would then label you as a bandit or survivor right from the start instead of based on murders or "humanity". You can has my beans old chum.

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Ive tried to stay friendly for so long. See a guy, lay down and watch him. When hes gone i continue but i rarely killed other players unless they started shooting at me first. I see a guy unarmed or with a hatched being chased i would shoot and kill the ones following him.

Recently its been harder, alot harder. You let a guy go on his way and eventually he will see you and kill you. cant tell you how many times ive let a guy with a hatchet go and just have him come back 5 min later with a lee or a pistol and kill me. Right before the servers went down today i just spawned near the small south airfield. I spawned in the middle of what seemed like 20 zombies so i do what everyone else does. I ran to the hangers and into the control tower to lose them. Only to be killed by a female 1 min after losing them because she wanted my flashlight.

I feel you man, its getting hard to play this game as a friendly. Whether they have no weapons or they are decked out in every upgrade possible. If you dont kill them, they will kill you. You can count on it. Eventually im just going to have to join them to have any fun.

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Each player has the choice to behave the way they see fit. The original post is no different than the multitudes of posts with complaints about KoS, it's an opinion.

I'll keep playing friendly.

The part about how everyone will eventually turn to banditry is an opinion.

The last paragraph and sentence is based on facts. DayZ is always changing and if you want to succeed (at least easier than not being a bandit) then you must change with it.

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I would like to see the option to choose Bandit or Survivor.

Kill more than 3-4 fellow surviors and you die, but accidents do happen. Kill all the bandits you want too.

Bandits can kill everything.

Spawning on the map can be seperated into those two choices as well. Spawning each faction on opposite sides of the map gives people a chance to survive sniping morons.

Then more of a front line will develope in the game with the best loot centralized. Town and regions could become controlled by those factions, understood it would be relative to the server.

You need to have an upside for picking survivor. Bandit can kill anything, what is the point of being a survivor?

You have to give them something that the bandits cant have otherwise there is no downside to picking bandit.

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Let's all just hold hands and be friendly. Looting places and killing zombies will be interesting a month from now...

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TLDR: Many people will hold strong to be survivors. I Don't shoot to kill, I try to display friendly intention. If someone attacks me then I will express my disapproval with depleted uranium. I killed a bandit today, gave him tons of opportunity to settle down. His beans tasted of win and blood. This game needs bandits as much as survivors. Deal with it.

Edited by Nalyid
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Hehe I just tried my first friendly encounter. I died. It's OK i wanted to die, it was so boring fully geared up. :D And my MK48 ammo was getting more everytime I logged in. Had 4 Magazines. But lost water bottles injectors etc. Played safe survivor for 9 days.

My next role will be psychopath. :)

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I think everyone who is against the sos gamestyle should band together and do something about it. Something similar to the Fort Friendly idea. Pick a server, pick a location, start a settlement, defend it, and the people who join you with your life.

Think of it like how the settlements in Fallout came to be. At first there was chaos, everyone killing everyone. Then people started to band together, working together for the common good.

Point is, this game is an open sandbox, you can do whatever you want! If you want to run around by yourself, then yeah, you're gonna need to be crazy defensive and shoot on sight, but that isnt the only option.

The only problem is that the shoot on sight is easy, any other option is hard, and most people are lazy.

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I think everyone who is against the sos gamestyle should band together and do something about it. Something similar to the Fort Friendly idea. Pick a server, pick a location, start a settlement, defend it, and the people who join you with your life.

Think of it like how the settlements in Fallout came to be. At first there was chaos, everyone killing everyone. Then people started to band together, working together for the common good.

Point is, this game is an open sandbox, you can do whatever you want! If you want to run around by yourself, then yeah, you're gonna need to be crazy defensive and shoot on sight, but that isnt the only option.

The only problem is that the shoot on sight is easy, any other option is hard, and most people are lazy.

Well said. That is exactly the point of the game. would be cool if you could actually "build" a stronghold, not just lay down barbed wire in doorways.

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You need to have an upside for picking survivor. Bandit can kill anything, what is the point of being a survivor?

You have to give them something that the bandits cant have otherwise there is no downside to picking bandit.

Agreed. Not sure what that is atm.

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I think everyone who is against the sos gamestyle should band together and do something about it. Something similar to the Fort Friendly idea. Pick a server, pick a location, start a settlement, defend it, and the people who join you with your life.

Think of it like how the settlements in Fallout came to be. At first there was chaos, everyone killing everyone. Then people started to band together, working together for the common good.

Point is, this game is an open sandbox, you can do whatever you want! If you want to run around by yourself, then yeah, you're gonna need to be crazy defensive and shoot on sight, but that isnt the only option.

The only problem is that the shoot on sight is easy, any other option is hard, and most people are lazy.

I like that idea. IF you could find like 10 - 20 people to band togheter and build a fortress. That would be awesome. Both as a survivor, but also as a bandit trying to loot the fortress. Maybe the bandits have to band togheter aswell to be able to take it out. So much potential in this game. You can do whatever you want.

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The amount of friendly players (i.e. those that don't immediately shoot on sight) is drastically decreasing. I've played since April and there's been a definite shift in how players interact. It used to be a case of "don't do any stupid shit then we're good" but now... The gameplay has suffered because of it. I appreciate that no PvP would be fucking boring but full-on PvP is getting pretty tedious. It's starting to feel like team deathmatch with zombies.

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TLDR: Many people will hold strong to be survivors. I Don't shoot to kill, I try to display friendly intention. If someone attacks me then I will express my disapproval with depleted uranium. I killed a bandit today, gave him tons of opportunity to settle down. His beans tasted of win and blood. This game needs bandits as much as survivors. Deal with it.

How the hell is my post too long to read? It's 3 paragraphs. They arn't even paragraphs.


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I still refuse to shoot on sight. It has gotten me killed plenty, but not shooting first can lead to some fantastic adventures. I currently have two murders though.

The last murder was a fluke accident involving lag and a partner of mine. The other was when another survivor started to fire at me and after repeated attempts to get them to stop, I had to put them down.

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Or one could just stop playing because the game does not deliver as advertised. This is why DayZ will ultimately fail. Rocket would be wise to remove the zeds, leave in the rest of the mechanics and just call the game Kill or Be Killed. It would no longer be a zombie survival game, but let's face it, it hasn't been that for several months now.

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So much butthurt everywhere.

People continue to complain but can't open their eyes' to see that this game changes and needs you to change with it.

Butthurt erywar.

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People play online games to compete with another human being. That is the challenge.

The game is evolving because as many have stated, boredom. The AI, like any other game becomes predictable. Hence, the challenge is diminished.

I have little time in the game and have killed no one.

When talking about PvP, I'm not talking about the morons sniping the spawn areas. You have these idiots in every game. The next release of CoD will draw their attention away from DayZ.

But the Bandit side of the equation is an important aspect that cannot, and should not be quelled. It should be utilized to give the game a broader appeal and overall depth.

As a newbie survivor, I look forward to the first time my axe is planted in the skull of a spawn camping sniper.

PvP is an important aspect of the game. And due to the sandbox nature of the game it could also be coded for single player PvE for those that don't want PvP.

Give Rocket a chance, he's gotten the game this far.

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Each player has the choice to behave the way they see fit. The original post is no different than the multitudes of posts with complaints about KoS, it's an opinion.

I'll keep playing friendly.

That is not true.

You have a choice, but its not rational.

its like this: you fight in RL, everybody has a gun, only you brought a fork. Ofc, its your choice what to bring, but is it smart? Will it help you sleep at night?

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