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UK01, butthurt.

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I really enjoy this mod and I think it's amazing that it's just one guy doing most of the work on it.

However, it's getting harder and harder to play and have fun. Mostly due to bandits sniping from a thousand metres away without so much as a "you friendly?"

Example; Logged into UK01 not 20 mins ago, had logged out previously in the NE airstrip control tower. There's a bus there out in the middle of a field, as soon as I went from prone to crouched, 2 sniper shots fired, not loud but like a twig snapping. Not being a fool I had scoped around the tower for ages using 3dp (a bus in the middle of a field... seems legit :)) This guy has obviously put it there and then retreated somewhere to camp it.

Luckily for me this guy couldn't range for toffee and missed both times.

Also I disconnected. Does that make me a pussy? Or is that guy a nob for laying a noobtrap and camping like that?

BTW he and the bus are probs still there. If anyone thinks they can take him/them please do and post the results. Would love it if those silly campers got pwned.

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I say this in a lot of posts. Yes it is harder, but people would do that in a real apocalypse right? Killing others for loot. Welcome to DayZ.

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Ah, UK01. That guy that was trying to shoot you (with a DMR probably) usually hangs out there. He's a horrible shot and he Alt-F4s when you kill him.

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When you're at the airfield. Expect to be shot on sight.

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Not the airfield, the little airstrip in the NE. I know it's all part of the game and realistically people would do just that.

Am I in the wrong for disconnecting tho or under those circumstances is it acceptable?

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You logout and login at a military loot spot.

Use 3rd to look over over objects.

Then disconnect when fired upon.

Nar your fine m8 hes obviously the wanker and your playing the game as intended.

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Am I in the wrong for disconnecting tho or under those circumstances is it acceptable?

Yes your in the wrong! Disconnecting whilst getting shot at is the easy way out.

And no it wasn't me shooting at you :) I often play on UK01...when it isn't locked that is...which is hardly ever lately :(

Edited by GeordieMarv

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Haha, yeah good point, no beans for me.

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What I don't get is these people who say "Oh yeah it's definitely realistic for someone to shoot you when you approach a bus."

First of all, that's hella-meta gaming. If I saw a bus in real life after the apocalypse, I wouldn't assume that a sniper is waiting to murder me for approaching it. I would think, "oh I wonder if there's anything useful on this bus" and then I would probably find that it's empty (or full of zombies) and then walk away unharmed. Hell, maybe I'd find a couple people in there, sleeping, and then tell them I'm friendly, and ask them if they have anything to trade.

Why do people think that everyone suddenly turns into a sociopath after the zombie apocalypse?

They don't think that.

It's just an excuse to act like a sociopath.

"Oh yeah, dude, if this was the REAL zombie apocalypse, people would be sniping you left and right."

First of all, nobody would probably have a sniper rifle. Maybe a hunting rifle, but nothing with a 1000m range (maybe 1 out of every 5000 people). And also, if they DID have a super sniper rifle, chances are they've NEVER been properly trained with it. Unless they were in the military, in a sniper training program. Even then, chances are, they are probably a nice person.

Tired of these llamas using these excuses for acting like a sociopath. Just admit it. You enjoy murdering people in video games. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't try to make it something that it isn't.

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Beans for you dan, I think what i will take from this is never log out/in on a lootspawn as dayz is full of mentals who will snipe first ask questions later. As far as using 3dp goes, i need every advantage i can get.

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Hah, yeah, I still remember spawning into a market (bad idea) only to see myself getting axed to death before I could move... live and learn!

Or, in DayZ, die and learn!

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First of all. I don't think you can just sit here right now and say: "This is what I would've done if the the world were invaded by a zombie virus." or "This is how I would've reacted." There is no telling what people would do to survive. Even if you are the nicest person in the world, with the best intentions, you probably won't be that way after the apocalypse hits. An event that big would mess with anyones morals.

Second of all. This is as stated a game. And if I'm at a military loot place, I will automatically shot on sight. Because I want all the good loot for myself. I'm not willing to share it with someone else, if I don't have to. I can also presume with some probability that the guy I'm shooting at, has atleast some kind of weapon. Maybe he even has something that I need. Also, chances are that as soon as he sees me, he'll open fire. Better being safe than sorry.

Edited by Torby

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Yeah, on reflection, noob mistake by me, the second of the day as I dropped my full alice pack and it disappeared. Sooooo butthurt.

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Its a totally valid tactic to bait humans with a bus or any other such thing, to make them expose themselves to a elevated position where the dude is hiding. you were totally in the wrong for disconnecting - if at anything you should have ran away, not DC.

this kinda thing is called an "ambush"

popular in wars/social breakdowns


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Wow, I never knew that, do other people know of this "ambush" of which you speak? Perhaps this is one of these "tactics" i keep hearing about...

I don't think many people will be falling for the machiavellian bus in a field ploy. At least i hope they don't.

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I don't think many people will be falling for the machiavellian bus in a field ploy. At least i hope they don't.

You fell for it, then DC'd, according to your own post? You are here to seek confirmation it was a cool thing to do and no it was not, your character should have died or ran.

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Nope, I hadn't spotted this bus from afar and decided to go investigate, I spawned into this guys trap with 0 premeditation. I am in the wrong for logging out/in at the control tower and for DCing however. I'm sure no-one else on this forum has ever alt-f4'd. I'm also sure if i had spawned in right behind this camper and opened up wth my kobra he would have DC'd too. doesn't make it right, hopefully soon people won't have the option.

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Alzy you seem a nice person I was too harsh on you.

My apologies.

I hope they fix the ease with which anyone can DC or F4 or just server hop behind you.

Problem I see is the only way they will ever fix this is if you cannot transfer client positional information when you swap servers added with a timer on DC and bleeding offline.

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What is going on with this server lately?

It's constantly going off without any warnings. They used to at least warn you (5 mins) before the server restarted.

I know if the server crashes it's just one of those things, but it seems to be happening an awful lot.

Restarting lots, and being locked alot.

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UK01 and UK02 its cheating server admin lock the server all time i gues he looting all items and after that logi in server back online and some times he doing like this twise day morning and evening time i like play on this server but UK01 UK02 Chetaers........

Edited by arvisz

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Wow, I never knew that, do other people know of this "ambush" of which you speak? Perhaps this is one of these "tactics" i keep hearing about...

I don't think many people will be falling for the machiavellian bus in a field ploy. At least i hope they don't.

if it happens in the afternoon it's called a pmbush...

i'll get my coat... :blush:

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