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Punk Panther

So how do I get the correct version of the game to get into servers?

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I bought the combined Arma package from steam and downloaded it. I set up the DayZ mod and I hit multiplayer. But almost every DayZ server has a red X and requires a different version of the game then the one that I have. I have 1.62 version but every1 requires at least 1.62.9563 or something like that. How do I get that?

Edited by Punk Panther

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Well I downloaded the latest version there that said: ARMA2_OA_Build_95248.zip but I ended up getting 1.60.845-something. So that didn´t help. Am I stupid or what? What am I missing?

Edit. I´m reading about a 1.72 being out there. That´s probably the one I need...

Edit 2. It seems to be the one I need from looking at the net. So I tried to install it again. I unzip it and click the .exe file. Then I get this window with paper flying between two maps. It says: "Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data.

Verifying ArmA2 OA, version 1.62...

ArmA2 OA patch 1.62 has been applied successfully".

So is it installed even if the papers "keeps on flying" between the maps? It says 100%, but at the top it says its updating to 1.62...

Edited by Punk Panther

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