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Antonius Weezel

To the ghillie sniper in Uk 117 @ crashed chopper

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Anyway, me N my looting buddy found ourselves a crashed chopper and a couple o' lovely rifles. So to cut a long story short, we go back for a second run to grab a fal and my buddy gets hit with a headshot straight out. The sniper is running like hell from a couple zombies, and i'm chasing him down. So i finally find him and we trade a few shots, dont know if i actually hit him, but he takes me out. So i go to get a new character, and WHOOMP. I respawn, through some amazing bug, with all my stuff. In the same spot. So i head back to the chopper and lo and behold i see the sniper taking some hits from a zombie. I take a shot and miss, he goes prone and just VANISHES. I don't know if he disconnected like a pusseh, or if the ghillie suit is just rediculously OP. So i spend twenty minutes searching around this crash site, and all of a sudden, boom. Shot, dead. I have no idea where from. At this point i decided to call it a day.

Anyway, long story short, respawn bug, i hate ghillie suits, and i hope something you love catches on fire.

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Hmm. If you can get me a name be cool. Looking into it now.

Edit: whats your in-game name please. is it the same as the forum?

Edited by Inch

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S you hate him cuz he alt + f4 but you are taking advantage of an exploit also to kill him ,

Sounds fair :)

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S you hate him cuz he alt + f4 but you are taking advantage of an exploit also to kill him ,

Sounds fair :)

I can't help the fact that i happened to respawn with my stuff. It would be an exploit if i found a way to... well exploit it. but I dont. It has happened to me a few times now though.

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Hmm. If you can get me a name be cool. Looking into it now.

Edit: whats your in-game name please. is it the same as the forum?

Ingame is same as forum yesh. No idea what his name was though.

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