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need a kill log in the server files

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we need a kill log in the server files. my server has been hit by hackers almost everyday and without turning on the nameplates, which sucks cause it helps bandits, there is virtually no way to find out who the hacker is thats teleporting and killing everyone. if the owners had a log to look at they could gfind and ban the hackers much faster. not being able to find these hackers will cause people to stop playing.

people usually uinderstand being killed by bandits but not by hackers when they are teleporting them accross the map.

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You should be able to check the .RPT File as-well-as the .log file. These log kit spawns, connections including Client Player Names and GUIDs. It's just knowing what to look for :)

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This would only help identify hackers that have spawned illegal weapons, which would obviously be useful, dont get me wrong. However it likely would have no effect on the hackers that mass teleport users as those people are technically dying due to fall damage. I do agree though, i hate that we can see "xx player has died" but it would be far more usefull if it said who they died to. Unfortunately i think this is the wrong place to ask for such a thing.. This would be a Arma2 coding issue and not really a DayZ one

Edited by Puka

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You need to look for foreign requests too, when they get teleported or 'transformed' into something it does show... I'll try get you an example. However I think I deleted my recent one after submitting a Global Ban.

'Edit' this is supposed to be improving too. See Rocket's latest update post; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/

Edited by Inch

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so currently there is no way to find who killed who correct? if there is tell me how. ive tried reading those logs but they confuse me.

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