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Mr Eazy

Teleported and killed

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Alright, this just ruined my fun in DayZ.

-I had the all the equipment possible.






I was alive for almost 2 weeks.

I'm at Vybor, waiting for my friend to pick me up with his helicopter we found earlier.

I spot him, so I run towards him, right as I'm about to get in I get teleported to the beach and I get shot and killed.

2 weeks of gameplay down the drain by a hacker/exploiter/cheater/glitcher/ADMIN/?

This happened on: Norway 16

19:30, 24-7-2012

GMT +2

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How did you have a helicopter?

Are they still in-game, because I thought they were removed temporarily..

Ghillies are also bugged in this version.. what build are you playing?

Edited by Cyanyde

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Elysium server/server I play on got attacked twice and yesterday late at night aswell, it was the same guy just atatcking us.

I abort when I get teleported, since it's not fair if I'm being killed by a douche bag who likes to teleport people. also best way to avoid it.

Edited by Tfortacos

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How did you have a helicopter?

Are they still in-game, because I thought they were removed temporarily..

He said he found it, (All he said)

Ghillies are also bugged in this version.. what build are you playing?

Playing on the latest build, another friend of mine had been playing on an old build and managed to find a couple of ghillies over the past couple of days on an old build. He updated this morning and he brought the suits.

As for disconnecting, it went too quick.


I decided to quit DayZ for a couple of weeks, hopefully these things will occure less.

Edited by Mr Eazy

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