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Looking for partner or group!!

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I have been playing DayZ solo for awhile now, and im ready to take it to the next level and find people to play with! I am looking for one or two people to play with and get into the deeper side of the game that you simply cannot do solo. If you are interested, add me on steam, send me a message, and we can get this going.

Steam ID: PSNDogface1000

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so i addet you in steam. Im alone and died quite recently so im unarmed and without recources. Im stuck in solnechniy and could use some help^^.

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I'd like to meet up with you, I added you on steam. My steam name is [dV-A] Cookie Monster.

Edited by cookiemonster

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I feel like I'm a broken record at this point but were going to need your time zone, nationality, age and level of skill in DayZ.

Oh and update your profile cause right now it's just blank.

Edited by AndyTheBomb

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