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Do people not play with a mic now days?

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Ok so.

Over today I've died a minimum of 10 times at least 6 of them could have been avoided if people where not so paranoid and did not just shoot on sight.

Instead, Type or voice on direct! You tell me to drop my shit i'm going to do it, I'd rather not have to spawn on the coast and make my way all the way back to where I want to be.

I don't care if you leave me in the woods with a broken leg and a bandage to stop the bleeding after you shoot me to break my leg, Just don't kill me!

Is it so hard to say over direct "You crawling away from the barracks stop! Drop your rifle and pistol and back pack! DO NOT MOVE or I shoot"

I know I know people just shoot on sight some get enjoyment out of it, And some are bandits, And I know a lot would do it to avoid the Alt F4'ing gutless coward can't handle dying coz they're a little bitch types.

But c'mon people. Try using the coms to hold a fella up. Rob him good and proper. You don't need to resort to shooting 100% of the time. There are HEAPS of videos on youtube of people holding others up, So clearly NOT EVERY ONE is going to Alt F4 like a girl.

A guy recently spawned into my clans camp area, He was surrounded by 5 of us, I screamed at him like a drill Sargent to not move and drop his guns. Little bitch Alt F4'd. Sure I could have shot him, As clearly he had been looting our camp before hand. But I didn't want to resort to killing for the hell of it, I'd of happily just robbed him and left him with basic med supplies one drink and food. Then I would have been left with a story, As would he.

Think about it guys and girls, The thrill of robbing someone would easily win over shooting a guy who doesn't even know your there and won't have a chance to defend him or her self. You'll get a cool story out of it as well.


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I agree with you Frankie.

As a noob I stood in cherno once and threw flares in all directions and stood in a salute pose for like 5 min hoping to meet friendlies.. We can all guess what happened. But that guy I never saw. I have alot more respect for that one bandit who was sitting behind me for like 10 minutes for me to turn around and shoot me in the face :P

Edited by Donmen

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I find the serious lack of any sort of in-game mic testing or amplification makes people not use their mics. We've all been in a VOIP channel where the person is using their mic but they sound like a faint whisper.. so you have to amp them 300% just to make out what they're saying. Personally the only reason I know my mic works is because my friends and I play and we talk on it, but if you don't have any friends how is anybody going to get a good chance to 'test' it if everybody just shoots what they hear, you know?

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