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Brainz (DayZ)

Military items - little explanation?

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Ok. I'm playing Day Z for a couple of weeks and I still don't understand an idea of military grade weapons.

They can be found only in military spawn zones, fine.

But why should I use them if ammo can be found only there? That doesn't make sense. So switching to military itemz is like locking to few places in Chernarus.

I'm using military places to get better backpack and eventually find infravision.

Any advices? Any ideas? Why? Oh why?

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Well it depends on what you're gonna use it for. You can always go back for ammo. I find mags for my DMR in a lot of places.

Use your ammo sparingly, don't just fire it all off so you need to go back every 5 minutes.

It's risk vs reward. If it was any more available everyone would have one.

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