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Item Suggestion: Megaphone

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Item: Megaphone

Slot: Toolbelt (can be equipped in primary)

Ever since the removal of global chat, communicating with other people have been difficult. While side chat did help the communication it did break the immersion quite heavily. An item like the megaphone could be a intermediate solution for this communication problem.

A Megaphone, when used, would boost your direct chat range by at least 300 meters. This can be used to communicate safely with other survivors in every way imaginable. You could warn people, taunt opposing groups, announce your presence: "we are going into the airfield, if you dont want to die get out of there"-type of stuff. It could have that echo-y megaphone sound effect added to it.

Just imagine using a megaphone to warn people in Cherno about the bandit on top of the sniper roofs, or giving another group of survivors an option to leave an area before you go in, or negotiate with other groups from a safe distance away.

I think it would be a cool suggestion that would not be breaking immersion and really add something to the gameplay. Just throwing the idea out there and hopefully some one else can find more uses or give their opinion. Hope rocket sees this :)

Edited by Goldeen
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  On 7/24/2012 at 4:59 PM, Helsing said:

I like it, but wouldn't it aggro zombies xD?

Ya i think they would notice the guy screaming from a mile away, "Yo bro! You got any beans?"
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As long as it attracts zombies too, I like the idea.

Might become kinda obsolete if they add radios, since there will probably be a "common channel". But still, I like it.

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