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PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

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That's already built into ArmA, when you have bullets cracking over your head your aim gets shaky.

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  'AllDayZSimon said:


Not really? I'm sorry but Afghanistan isn't some war-zone like you think it is.

Plenty of tourists visit it' date=' news reporters, leaders of nations - Hell even family vacations. Humans have a little something called "Self-Preservation", you know? That little thing that prevents Israel and Iran from nuking the living shit out of each other and going into WW3? Because not everyone in the world is fucking blood thirsty and ruthless as they are when they're smiling behind a keyboard. We DON'T want our society to end.


You missed my point. No matter how nice a place Afganistan is these days, it's not so because of a simple declaration by a couple of random guys. Also, the current Israel vs. Iran situation is not a very good analogy for a zombie apocalypse either.

And just to let you know, another rather important reason for Iran and Israel not "nuking the living shit out of each other" is that Iran does not have nukes like you think it does.

Sorry about that last bit, but you deserved it. :P

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  'Unknown Operative said:

I didnt exactly open this thread to Invite insults.

Normally i never broadcast my position' date=' and kindly ask everyone to lay off the insults.

- Now its obviously a Matter of every man for himself.

I guess this is "Core element of the mod", though i thought there was atleast some type of teamwork "Core Element" - were the main worries are zombies. But i was wrong.


Teamwork is easily a core element of the game; when you have friends playing with you.

Nobody's insulting you either. It may seem a little harsh to tell you that you deserved it, but it honestly wasn't the smartest move to tell everybody where you are and that you're hoarding plenty of useful supplies.

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basically, OP, you stated exactly where you were and just asked for a guy to come up there and kill you. Just saying something is a safe haven doesn't help much. Think about the lighthouse scene from Battle Royale!

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Why would bandits want to SHARE all that good loot with anyone? You make the assumption that they're killing only for fun (which is pretty fun) and not that they're killing you simply because they don't want a share of the loot, they want unrestricted access to all of it right down to the tin cans and chemlights.

If you go to the NW airfield whatever happens to you is your own fault.

All you did by advertising your whereabouts and intentions was give the bandits more information to use in taking you down.

'What's that? Someone's at the airfield and they're not even going to shoot at us? Let's get some LOOOOOT!'

This game takes a little more common sense than that. This is a thinking man's game as much as it is a survival shooter.

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At the moment, if a player sticks around too long in an area im in, ill kill them if the chance presents itself with as little ammo expenditure as possible, its just not worth the risk of losing all your stuff plus you get there stuff.

Ive found the only advantage travelling with a group of people gives you is defence against other players. Other than that i find it a pretty piss poor way of scavenging because it halves your loot (or by however many youre travelling with) and increases the chance zeds will find you. Ill help a guy out in a pinch picking off chasing zombies from a tree line, but i aint his friend, less zombies the better, if theyre chasin him then i can kill them without puting myself at risk.

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Yeah the best thing I have found is to NOT play it like a zombie apocalypse survival simulator. Just play it like a FPS deathmatch and not only is it much more fun but other people end up being your content! It is cool! It is FUN to shoot random beanfaces!

Plus I can get kill streaks and check to see how high my score is on the scoreboard!

Those delicious tears of the people trying to play a zombie game! OM NOM NOM! They get all butthurt and nerd rage cus they are mad at how leet my skills are. PLUS my humanity magically respawns! I don't even have to do anything! Just wait a little bit tell someone FRIENDLY and I got a new backpack full of stuff!

Why would you play it any other way?

All these people log off on the beaches for some reason. Now I just camp the beach and wait for them to log back in on the beach and snipe them. SOOO many people keep logging back in on the beach it is crazy. They don't have much stuff on them but their tears are so delicious!

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Would Sir care to peruse a selection of fine cheeses to eat with his WHINE?

Did pkers murder your family or something?

Jesus you act like every single person on this game, bar you, is out for nothing more than pk deathmatch which is just so clearly not the case for anyone who actually plays the game.

If you spent half as much time learning (yes, this game has a learning curve, WOAH) how to effectively deal with pkers as you did crying you'd soon learn that they ain't nothing but a thang.

If you havin' pk problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but getting shot for my backpack ain't one.

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PvP honestly IS more fun WAY more fun than playing the zombie survival. I started a new life and I have one zombie killed with 1 headshot and I have 2 beanfaces killed and 1 bandit killed. It was cool! I put a Winchester slug into some guys chest from about 100 yards out and it changed me to a bandit skin. Then another bean face came up to the factory from the opposite direction I waited till he was at the wall and dumped him up with buckshot. He kept saying FRIENDLY FRIENDLY in chat and I just loled I had a damn bandit skin.

At the same time I started taking long range Makarov fire from someone else to the north so I got off the roof and spotted him approaching from the corner through the window and put two slugs through the glass dropping him. A damn bandit! Is there no honor among thief's? Attacked by another bandit!

He kept BLEEDING and bleeding so I went up to him and shot him with a mag of Mak and yet he kept bleeding. I think he might have tried to logoffski not sure.

Name is "Call of DayZty" on the NZ server. It is a blast. I will just stop messing with the zombies and stick to the PvP.

EDIT Just sniped another bean face up by the southern airfield. He was running into the tower being chased by some Z's and one shot into the back dropped him. That damn CZ was so loud it awoke the whole region I was being chased by 20 guys! Good thing I had that smoke nade? I was about to toss it when the server crashed on me. That "NO MESSAGE RECIEVED FOR 1..2..3.." popped up.

So 4 people killed compared to 1 zombie killed. About 60 minutes of gameplay.

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I had a clan mate steal a few of our vehicles for no reason besides just to drive them into the water, it's the internet and this mod is cutthroat.

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A bunch of useless childish whining

I've never read such poor rhetoric in my life, please stop posting because you are only convincing people that random killing is a good thing with how autistically butthurt you're getting over it.

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