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PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

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Ok so heres what happened.

I decided to go North to the NW airfield, And i did that when the server bugged out - 0 Zombies.

I know that once i reach there, i would find weapons and what not.

Indeed, i also found another player, being that im not the Pvp type and dont shoot people for the Shits and giggles, i teamed up and made a safe haven in the tower.

In Fact, I wrote in side Channel , that this place is a Starting Safe haven, and whoever wants to join is welcome. I also Said that PK's are not welcome.

Well, after stocking up on weapons and everything, (you should have seen the equipment) - Mr Commisar Girlfriend comes along with his sniper, and shoots everyone in the air tower.

Ffs people, is that necessary?

Its been stated that this place is a safe haven, Why Kill people.

Its Unbeleivably annoying to spawn on a Random spawn point on the map. Seriously? You Die and you get spawned to Kamenka,

Or Some Remote place near Solnichiye. ???

Why arent the spawn points near towns you died, Random points around the town, Its unbeleivable that people actually have to walk 10 000 M on Foot AGAIN to reach to a destination where they once were.

On top of that, each time you get shot at the town = for example= Chernogorsk, You Spawn yet on ANOTHER random place on the map.


Dont get me wrong, i like the Dayz mod,

But walking 10 000 M across the map then getting shot by some troll for the shits and giggles really is not Fun, rather very Frustrating.

tell me what you think, "people say its part of the game" Yes it is, But Why shoot someone that offers to Share the Loot.


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All the loot > share of the loot.

I'd have kiled you too, you have good equipment, basically here it is

Team up:

Share of the loot

Risk of getting backstabbed

Kill you:

all the loot

Safer option

Nice feeling of superiority

Your stupid for advertising your position, you cannot trust ANYBODY in this game, telling one person is abd enough, telling everyone is just asking for it.

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... How about this - Stick around, Feel safe, and USE the Loot?

help me,. help you. ?

or no, that kind of math os out the window these days,

its just : Help Myself, let the other guy rot?

Even Though when Sharing - Your teammate:

1 Saves you from a horde of Zombies

2 Gives you Meds

3 Revives you

4 Shares his Loot with you

All that... and still

You would shoot this person ?

"Your stupid for advertising your position, you cannot trust ANYBODY in this game, telling one person is abd enough, telling everyone is just asking for it."

You know. what i said over side was

"Come to the safe haven = theres Food, water - weapons. .all u need "

But no, people want Kills right? Its the Internet so no one really cares. pffff

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I guess it wasn't much of a safe haven if you can't defend it.

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We did, But he Camped us, With his sniper for 30 Min...

I Made it clear for him that he Can join us, rather than be a douche and just kill us.

You benefit from teamwork, you Dont loose - you Gain!!!! Thats the Whole bloody Point of Surviving apocalypse.

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  'Unknown Operative said:

We did' date=' But he Camped us, With his sniper for 30 Min...

I Made it clear for him that he Can join us, rather than be a douche and just kill us.

You benefit from teamwork, you Dont loose - you Gain!!!! Thats the Whole bloody Point of Surviving apocalypse.


He weighed his options over and he felt that killing you had the best gain. I know everyone is saying this, but you can't trust anyone. Find people over the forums to group up with or your own friends.

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If this were any other area I might agree and start a 42 page rant, but we're talking about the NW airfield here - the biggest PvP hotzone in the game. Don't bother trying to create a safe haven there unless you've already got an organised group of badass dudes. It's no good trying to form a group spontaneously over the chat, the snipers will put a stop to it because they don't want you to have control over those resources.

And because they think it's hilarious.

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  'Unknown Operative said:

Ok so heres what happened.

I decided to go North to the NW airfield' date=' And i did that when the server bugged out - 0 Zombies.

I know that once i reach there, i would find weapons and what not.

Indeed, i also found another player, being that im not the Pvp type and dont shoot people for the Shits and giggles, i teamed up and made a safe haven in the tower.

In Fact, I wrote in side Channel , that this place is a Starting Safe haven, and whoever wants to join is welcome. I also Said that PK's are not welcome.

Well, after stocking up on weapons and everything, (you should have seen the equipment) - Mr Commisar Girlfriend comes along with his sniper, and shoots everyone in the air tower.

Ffs people, is that necessary?

Its been stated that this place is a safe haven, Why Kill people.

Its Unbeleivably annoying to spawn on a Random spawn point on the map. Seriously? You Die and you get spawned to Kamenka,

Or Some Remote place near Solnichiye. ???

Why arent the spawn points near towns you died, Random points around the town, Its unbeleivable that people actually have to walk 10 000 M on Foot AGAIN to reach to a destination where they once were.

On top of that, each time you get shot at the town = for example= Chernogorsk, You Spawn yet on ANOTHER random place on the map.


Dont get me wrong, i like the Dayz mod,

But walking 10 000 M across the map then getting shot by some troll for the shits and giggles really is not Fun, rather very Frustrating.

tell me what you think, "people say its part of the game" Yes it is, But Why shoot someone that offers to Share the Loot.



Are you honestly that airheaded? Do you really think that simply because you tell PKers that they're not welcome that they'll stay away? Places like the one you describe are perfect targets for bandit raids. Please, think for a second. You've got a lot of noobs together and probably a substantial amount of loot, and you really think bandits are just going to leave you alone? If you want to establish a safe zone, you're likely going to need upwards of 15 heavily armed people who are coordinated and on TS/Mumble/what have you to police the area against any bandits who come roaming.

Aside from the fact that someone as naive as you is a huge punching bag for bandits, consider also that any rough-minded people who raid the airfield are probably going to want as much exclusive access to it as they can without the interference of others. You would simply be a speed bump in the road as far as that goes.

The truth is shooting people is done for any number of reasons, be it greed, necessity, or simple paranoia and caution. It is very rarely simply for shits and giggles, I assure you. Furthermore, any reservations you have about shooting others if they endanger you or your group should be dealt with as soon as possible. You say you're not the PVP type; regardless, there will be times in this game where you will have to fight back in order to defend yourself. This isn't Woodstock, you know.

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I actually remember a time a couple of days ago when I was in a 4 way gunfight at the NW airfield :P

I was getting shot at so I dropped to the ground and rolled to the nearest cover and tried to get my barrings. While I was doing that someone shot at my attacker, and another group came into my vision shooting at me from the hangars. Needless to say I ran the hell out of there, found the nearest woods and crawled for 2 hours.

The best advice is don't go to the NW, there are plenty of other places to get decent loot. The only people that "need" military grade weapons are PKers. The PKers also have a choice, if they leave their precious airfield they don't find much ammo for their gucci guns, and are more likely to get shot and lose everything.

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You were in the most contested spot on the map, found one friend, and declared it was a safe zone?

It is very naive of you to think that every player on the server would become peaceful toward you just because you went and made yourself an easy target. You got yourself, and whoever teamed up with you, killed. It reminds me of that scene in Battle Royale with the two girls on top of the hill, shouting with a megaphone that they're peaceful - only to be gunned down by a greedy psychopath.

The reason you start out in a rough spot and with little equipment is to make everything you do into a risk. You lose practically everything by dying, so if you don't like it, then you learn to stay alive.

If every player was as peaceful as you wished, then the game would be dull and nobody would play it.

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  'Baby Stomper said:

You were in the most contested spot on the map' date=' found one friend, and declared it was a safe zone?

It is very naive of you to think that every player on the server would become peaceful toward you just because you went and made yourself an easy target. You got yourself, and whoever teamed up with you, killed. It reminds me of that scene in Battle Royale with the two girls on top of the hill, shouting with a megaphone that they're peaceful - only to be gunned down by a greedy psychopath.

The reason you start out in a rough spot and with little equipment is to make everything you do into a risk. You lose practically everything by dying, so if you don't like it, then you learn to stay alive.

If every player was as peaceful as you wished, then the game would be dull and nobody would play it.


I had the exact same thought RE BR, but didn't post it. Kudos to you, sir.

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The PVP is fine, but I think Snipers need to attract a much bigger hoard of zombies. Sniping is usually a safe way to PK because you can climb a ladder and have no trouble managing any zombies coming after you.

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Telling players that bandits shouldn't arrive sounds like a challenge. Ever tell a gang member to "step off" or ask one if they were "challenging you"? (Read that in the whitest voice you can for maximum humor.)

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Don't forget to give Lt. Dan credit too!

Yeah we worked together to play you and your group like a fiddle.


(it's me and commissar chillin on the NW airstrip)

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You deserved what came to you. To rely on the good nature of others in a setting with PvP/Survival elements in it is just silly, I can't believe you actually broadcasted your pinpointed position and welcomed all to join you especially when you know Bandits are an actual factor in this game. Go watch 'The Road' or something.

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You want the entire mod to be changed drastically from its core elements because you lack critical thinking and reasoning skills?

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I didnt exactly open this thread to Invite insults.

Normally i never broadcast my position, and kindly ask everyone to lay off the insults.

- Now its obviously a Matter of every man for himself.

I guess this is "Core element of the mod", though i thought there was atleast some type of teamwork "Core Element" - were the main worries are zombies. But i was wrong.

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Zombies are the main worries only for the first couple of hours of game. After you have equipped yourself, zombies become an interactive enviroment in fights between survivals.

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I thought it was funny that a bandit in another thread complained of people "Meta-Gaming" through the use of the playerlist - Yet a shit ton lol-showed up to your obviously Not-Ingame message just to kill you for asking them not to.

~Just another reason why I am thrown to believe that half the Bandits are just there to kill for the sake of killing.

They had no reason to kill you besides "haha fuck these guys asking us not to". I thought being a bandit was about robbing for survival? Not to go "Oh we have bigger guns than these guys, lets wipe them off the face of the earth cause we're better equipped!"

Just seems like another reason to become a bandit with no counter-effect..

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That's actually a pretty funny story.

That's like the a patrol of boy scouts going to Afganistan, and then declaring the entire country safe for all people - and expecting results.

"Why can't we all just get along?" :D

Seriously, in the case of zombie apocalypse and the breakdown of civil society, declarations mean nothing. A safe zone is a great idea, but your implementation was lacking.

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  'Lusmu said:

That's actually a pretty funny story.

That's like the a patrol of boy scouts going to Afganistan' date=' and then declaring the entire country safe for all people - and expecting results.

"Why can't we all just get along?" :D

Seriously, in the case of zombie apocalypse and the breakdown of civil society, declarations mean nothing. A safe zone is a great idea, but your implementation was lacking.


Not really? I'm sorry but Afghanistan isn't some war-zone like you think it is.

Plenty of tourists visit it, news reporters, leaders of nations - Hell even family vacations. Humans have a little something called "Self-Preservation", you know? That little thing that prevents Israel and Iran from nuking the living shit out of each other and going into WW3? Because not everyone in the world is fucking blood thirsty and ruthless as they are when they're smiling behind a keyboard. We DON'T want our society to end.

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  'Unknown Operative said:
Well' date=' after stocking up on weapons and everything, (you should have seen the equipment) - Mr Commisar Girlfriend comes along with his sniper, and shoots everyone in the air tower.

Ffs people, is that necessary?

Its been stated that this place is a safe haven, Why Kill people.


If you draw a circle in the dirt that says "No Zombies!" Do you expect the zombies to obey? By stating your location and the fact that you're friendly, you invited the killings. You rated what you got.

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  'b00ce said:
Well' date=' after stocking up on weapons and everything, (you should have seen the equipment) - Mr Commisar Girlfriend comes along with his sniper, and shoots everyone in the air tower.

Ffs people, is that necessary?

Its been stated that this place is a safe haven, Why Kill people.


If you draw a circle in the dirt that says "No Zombies!" Do you expect the zombies to obey? By stating your location and the fact that you're friendly, you invited the killings. You rated what you got.

Zombies can't read, are also brain dead and will eat anything they THINK is food.

Humans on the other hand, can(?), feel emotion, stress and any other factor-

Here's a question, why don't they have something very similiar to when you need painkillers for when you're under extreme stress (Getting shot at/returning fire at a accelerated rate), shaky screen..Less accurate, all that fun shit to add more variables into surviving a firefight.

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