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Looking for people to survive with

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hello, im 18 from califronia and im looking for some people to play with because it seems more fun when u work together with other people. im fairly new to dayz but i have the concept down and have played arma 2 before. if anyone is interested add me on steam http://steamcommunit...561197990614694 or pm me or something. i use skype and team speak, prefer skype :P

See you out there!

Edited by bryand

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Hi, I just got Arma 2 and Dayz as well but dont have any survivor buddies.

I'm 17 and live in the UK (Scotland) but the time zones dont matter much cos I've turned nocturnal over the summer.

I'll add you over steam but Skype is my preference too.

Hope to hear from you.

- Andy

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Same here- I'll be on all day tomorrow (weds) if you want to *try* to find each other, and late tonight, probably from about 12am Central-3 or 4am.

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key word try. we need to last long enough to find eachother haha

Edited by bryand

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i'l join if u need more

Edited by Alfts

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