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Norway 9, admin teleporting people

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as the title say, the admin(s) suddenly decided to teleport everyone on the server to a random location on the map, needless to say it was a huge firefight. me and a friend joined the action, while out third friend logged off.

he connected a few minutes later, only to find people had brought car's to the location and where busy looting free loot.

my guess its either the admins, or hacker's did this to get free loot.

i'm sure this ain't the first time this have happend on a server, just letting people know :)

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Probably a hacker, admins don't have the power to do that. Unless he used scripts with his character.

Tell the admin to look into the script logs.


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Found V3 on norway 9, full of loot, server was restarted 15 mins later, truck disappeared after that, but me and my group already cleared inventory. keeping in mind that sick habit of admins teleporting behind your back in order to revenge their assets, i didnt tried to play there furthermore.

Edited by mezmery

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Found V3 on norway 9, full of loot, server was restarted 15 mins later, truck disappeared after that, but me and my group already cleared inventory. keeping in mind that sick habit of admins teleporting behind your back in order to revenge their assets, i didnt tried to play there furthermore.

If it disappeared on restart; it was either not saved OR a hacked in vehicle.

Admins do not have teleport abilities - unless they themselves are hackers.

People are fucking stupid.



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