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Sorry to that noob.

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Okay, so after doing a little looting in Cherno, I found myself with a Makarov and a Lee Enfield, after walking a good while west out of Cherno, I see someone in the distance. I hold my position but he continues to run at me. He then changes path and heads towards the Gas Station. I could now see he was wielding the ever-so powerful HATCHET OF DOOM!

As I shout out "Friendly, I'm friendly. Do you need to any supplies?"

Then all of a sudden, he fucking charges at me with the HATCHET OF DOOM! of course I shit myself a little and start running round in circles with a mad axeman chasing me.

He hits me once and I'm losing blood.

I warn him "Stop it or I will kill you"

He swings his HATCHET OF DOOM! upon me once more, I've had enough so I turn around and shoot him.

Bye bye Survivor HQ, I think I'm a bandit now....

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need a few more kills under your belt to be a bandit .... no apology needed tho that axe murder had it coming

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If he runs towards you I would warn once and then fire if he didn't stop.

Don't turn into a bandit because you let yourself down.

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Yeah dude, that was self defence, not murder.

We can forgive a perfectly reasonable response to a completely unreasonable threat.

I'm just glad that when it came down to him or you, the mentally stable one came out of it breathing. ;)

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Oh my, I thought I was going to get slightly showered in abuse for being "EVUL MURDARAWR! Apparently not, thank you all :) Survivor 'till the end!

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