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Hello there, would just like to point out a HUGE stash of tents I just found on dayz - us 104. There are literally about 20 tents with almost any weapon you could think of. NVG's RF's as50's m14's etc etc. The location is around 003109. Why am I doing this you might ask? Well, after having a conversation with the owner of the camp via group chat while the server was having trouble and everyone was waiitng for char to load he informed me his group has multiple huge camps such as this one, even some with vehicles. Seeing as I already gave the cords to my camp to that one guy whos handing out all the free loot and I also gave him this one but neither have been touched yet. Have fun and enjoy the loot!!

EDIT:if enough people want, we can have a meeting in kamenka pretty soon and I can bring a bunch of you to the camp. If you think that is a good idea just leave a comment saying so. Would feel a lot safer if you don't bring guns before the trip.

EDIT: My camp seems to have been utterly destroyed by pipe bombs... 104 is still intact though... hmm.

Edited by tomtom2234
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Honestly guys, It's not a trap. My friend and I raided there camp and made our own. Legit filled like 15 tents of our own and everytime we go back to their tents they are adding more and more on and have even more of what we've stolen. I'm beginning to think these guys are dupers. Like I stated before, my server was destroyed, a lot of pipe bomb markings on the ground. Someone when I switched back over to it the tents respawned. Our camp was on dayz - us 474. Most of the tents are now empty but a few have a few different things, (mostly just utilities, very few guns. Anyone who makes the trip up there please come back and post that the camp is legit and not a trap. I will say it might be better to travel there on a day time server and switch over to it when you get to the location (104 is currently night time). I'm willing to bring a group up there if enough are willing to "risk" it.

Edited by tomtom2234

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If anyone is willing to come along and record the trip feel free. My FPS drops to crazy low when I try to fraps anything.

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If its not a trap, record, youtube, upload, you have 10mins.........................go

Cue the sound of silence

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I'll go check it out, I'll go with a nice squad.

Even if it's a trap, they won't get the best of us ;)

tfort, I'd be glad to bring you to the camp, I'll even come with no weapons. I'd rather this loot go to players who are in need of it the most, but as long as it goes somewhere besides just being hoarded by these guys.

Again, I won't be on much longer but if anyone is willing to meet me in kamenka I'll gladly escort you to the camp.

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Sound like the battle bus video i saw on youtube last night....... "Are you not entertained"?

hi all btw

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so, there is a huge amount of weapons and equip, that is probably duped or you could say hacked and you _want_ others to take that stuff? i would destroy that camp of illegitimate weapons too.

if there are tents with a regular ammount of weapons, ok, steal it, that's the deal ... but if you think they are illegitimate items, why spread this stuff?

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I don't know if it is duped or not. I'd rather give out the items than destroy them with no actual proof of duping. Also, they are running kind of ish low on weapons, I think they may be moving camp sites due to my friend and I frequently raiding their camp.

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As expected, went there looking for an AS50, got a bullet through my skull.

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As expected, went there looking for an AS50, got a bullet through my skull.

It is not my camp, so be careful. I have a video compressing atm that I will upload to youtube. I will hop back in game right quick and see if I can see if anyone is there.. I am sorry if you truly did get killed.

EDIT: just went in game and saw no one at the camp nor did I find a body.

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It is not my camp, so be careful. I have a video compressing atm that I will upload to youtube. I will hop back in game right quick and see if I can see if anyone is there.. I am sorry if you truly did get killed.

Can we meet up?

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yes, I can meet you in kamenka.

PM me your skype or steam if you have one so we can talk.

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Also, just met up with g650 and talked to him on skype and helped him find it. Also, someone else showed up, not sure if they were from the forums or elsewhere, their English wasn't so great.

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