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If you ever played "Red Orchestra Heroes of Stalingrad" this will sound familiar.

I agree with removing bandit skins and introducing find-able skins .

But still wouldn't it be better if you can see diffrence between a Noob and veteran player ?

Basiclly it can be done in two ways. As you play longer you start to look more dirty , your clothes is more ripped , patched up etc..

So when you would see a Noob he would be fresh looking , / clean .

When it comes to bandits , clothes get same as survivors one (dirty , ripped )but you get more blood on it, blood stains , wounds etc..

This effect can be introduced by the hours/kills you make in 1 life.

Or there can be a timer/exp bar , basiclly the more you play / kill / travel , the more you look like a "veteran" .

I personally perfer that its based on time /kills you played/did overall .

I don't mind dieng I just hate when I die I start with everything from 0 .

Feel the same as the newb that spawned next to me.

Also bandits would have feature to wash their clothes every 24/48 hours which will remove little of their blood each time but you would be never able to remove it all the way. Also after washing in a lake there would be a blood stain on the ground, so if Survivors are hunting an bandit they would have clues .

I have bunch of ideas when it comes to this , like..

If you perfer playing on Night Servers , you will have black stains (oil / color) on your clothes / face so you'r harder to "see" .

These effects would make players proud of what they are and noobs would feel safer with a veteran.

When playing Red Orchestra HOS and seeing Veteran , you'r 1. amazed how he has a high rank etc.. then you feel like you could actually win the battle with him.

I don't see a bad side to it? It could attract more people in my opinion..more newbs to kill on the coast :D

I hope Rocket sees this..

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