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most memorable moment in Dayz so far

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i was running through electro from a fresh spawn east of electro where i gathered a hatchet from the barn and some food and i then decided to have some fun with this life and turn into a crazy axe wielding man. so to finish of the craziness i jumped onto YouTube and had HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA 5hour version running through direct chat so people would come after me. so i started to wonder into the start of electro and i found my first player and he was prone next to the fence so i ran up beside him and and started to axe him in the face and he didn't move so he was obviously looking at a map but i killed him anyway.

so i moved on and i got to the fire station next to the church without any problems and by then i had and Alice pack witch i found in the super market. in the fire station i found a akm so i put it into my bag continuing on my crazy axe man ways to find as many people as i could. i had gone through the whole of electro with finding only one person even with HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA on direct chat so i decided to run over to cherno to see if i had any luck over their with scaring people and then killing them.

about halfway there at cap golova a hacker decided to take over and teleport everyone in the game to the same location so he could watch the blood bath that was sure to happen. i was still wielding my axe and pumping out the HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA on the direct chat and so in the battle with everyone in the server i spot a man in a Ghillie suit with a m4a1sd and i run after him with my axe and HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA playing over direct chat so i chase him for 1 min ll over the plcae with me bleeding and him bleeding and finally he kills me.

that was my best dayz experience so far and im not supporting hackers but im saying i had a blast of a time being a crazy axe man, and i feel sorry for the people on the us 316 server who got hacked and lost all their stuff.

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It was my first life that was longer than 2 minutes. I spawned near solinichy or something like that. without knowing where I was heading I walked into Berezino. found a lee enfield there and some camo clothing. I found a school on climbed on the roof to look for other players, when i accidently shot my lee enfield. All zombies in my direct enviroment started walking towards me, and there where a lot of them. While I was sitting on the roof and see al the zombies walking towards me i felt like i was in a zombie movie when all the main characters are stuck in a building. sadly enough i didn't survive the encouter. one zombie hit me and knocked me unconsious, then i was eaten by the big horde heading towards me.

I did learn some stuff from this. NEVER shoot a lee enfield in a zombie invested area. and if you aggro zombies don't stay in the same building.

That life was about 5 hours. one month later and i'm rocking a character with 15+ days alive:)

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that life i had came of a character with 25 days alive and i had all the stuff

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i was running through electro from a fresh spawn east of electro where i gathered a hatchet from the barn and some food and i then decided to have some fun with this life and turn into a crazy axe wielding man. so to finish of the craziness i jumped onto YouTube and had HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA 5hour version running through direct chat so people would come after me. so i started to wonder into the start of electro and i found my first player and he was prone next to the fence so i ran up beside him and and started to axe him in the face and he didn't move so he was obviously looking at a map but i killed him anyway.

so i moved on and i got to the fire station next to the church without any problems and by then i had and Alice pack witch i found in the super market. in the fire station i found a akm so i put it into my bag continuing on my crazy axe man ways to find as many people as i could. i had gone through the whole of electro with finding only one person even with HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA on direct chat so i decided to run over to cherno to see if i had any luck over their with scaring people and then killing them.

about halfway there at cap golova a hacker decided to take over and teleport everyone in the game to the same location so he could watch the blood bath that was sure to happen. i was still wielding my axe and pumping out the HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA on the direct chat and so in the battle with everyone in the server i spot a man in a Ghillie suit with a m4a1sd and i run after him with my axe and HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA playing over direct chat so i chase him for 1 min ll over the plcae with me bleeding and him bleeding and finally he kills me.

that was my best dayz experience so far and im not supporting hackers but im saying i had a blast of a time being a crazy axe man, and i feel sorry for the people on the us 316 server who got hacked and lost all their stuff.

You're an idiot

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that was my plan, you idiot

Edited by Sirtron

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I have two very memorable events.

1. My first life. Sneaking around, paranoid to hell and travelling at snail speed. I find a weapon, a AK74u, YES! Then I search around a bit more and find a Crossbow in an outhouse, I pick it up and realize that that caused me to drop my AK74u. So I start looking for it to switch back, but it is glitched and I cant see it. I close the outhouse door to see if it was blocking then suddenly; my bones break and I fall unconcious, bleeding to death. Yes, my first death wasnt to a zombie, a player or even a fall. It was to an outhouse door.

2. My third life. Im sneaking around Cherno at dawn, I encounter two players who are friendly and they show me where to get medical supplies. We hear some gunfire in the distance. After a short while we separate, they being two buddies on Skype and I not wanting to be a thrid wheel. So I go about my business and then I hear more gunfire. And messages saying players are dying. Then the two guys I talked too earlier dies. I decide to find the source of the gunfire and sneak towards it. I cant find where they are until I spot a horde of zombies standing clustered around a tall industrial building.

I realize this is where they are so I scout around and find a ladder that goes all the way to the top. Struggling to figure out how to use ladders properly I climb with my trusty Winchester 1866 in hand. As I reach the top I spot the two snipers. One hears me and spins around and fires in panic. The shot misses. My 12 gauge slug dosnt. His friend spins around and starts shooting and I unload two slugs into him. I stood victorious!

Then I check their gear. A BAF AS50, a M14 EP1, a M16A2 M203, a M4A3 CCO, a M1911 and a PDW. This in addition to tons of misc gear. I can hardly decide what to take but I get the BAF AS50, the M16A2 and the PDW. Then, job done, I log off to go get something to eat.

I log back in about 45 min later only to find out that apparently my inventory wasnt saved as I logged off and I am back to my Winchester. The bodies are still there but the M14 and the M4 are gone so I settle for the M1911. I climb down and somehow glitch on the ladder and die.

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You're an idiot

I kinda liked that "HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA" part of his story.

Truth is the rest was rather poo.

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My friend and I wanted to meet up, my friend was with a guy in the meanwhile. I told him through Skype that I possibly saw him, and he confirmed, so we decided to have some fun with the noob he was with.

I was equipped with a shotgun so I ran into the barn they went in, told them both to get down on the ground with my microphone as my friend played along. The noob actually went to obey me, eventually I hurled a shot at them which I purposely missed, and then ran up to them with a hatchet indicating I was friendly. I died after because they ran off.

Second time was with the same friend, I pretended to be angry and said I was going the other way while we planned to go to Stary Sobor. He was alt-tabbed and I just screamed "theres a survivor in front of u lol" while it was actually me. He alt-tabbed back in and killed me.

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firstly the HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYA was the best part and i had a few laughs along the way with it.

secondly the other stories were a good reas so thanks guys and spawning out without saving has happened with me with a tent but i didn't have as much to loose as you did

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I found a hatchet, some basic supplies. In the end just a hatchet as a weapon. I moved to Komarovo and fought some zombies. As luck has it with zombies in this game, random hit, leg breaks. But, I decide to go on a personal quest, a mission. I only had some food and a matchbox, so really really basic just spawned gear basically. I decided to crawl all teh way to Cherno and find morphine in a hospital to save myself.

Heh, I did it earlier today finally. I crawled all the way from Komarovo to Cherno. Fighting zombies, got to the hospital, and saved myself. Took like an hour or two to crawl all that way. Did I need to do that? Nope dying would have been faster and easier probably. Am I glad I did this? Heck ya. And for someone like me, with less then 24 hours of playing this game, was epic.

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