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Combat Logging & Cheap Shots in DayZ

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I honestly really love this mod, i play it alot. Only thing i hate is cheap shots and combat loggers. Me and a group of friends roaming around silently, nek minut half our group died. Lee Enfield, an easy as crap obtainable gun and has easy-ammo find yet it takes a single shot to kill someone who has been playing for hours. Like, you'd be played for a couple of hours, happy to have items in your inventory, giving you the nice survival aspect, until someone comes along, takes all your long hard worked items and walks away. I started shooting back at them, they both combat logged, me thinking they were dead or just hiding. My friend, watching one of them dissapear into thin air, noticed he was combat logging. I had really good positions on the two bandits, until they CL'd.

Other part is cheap shots. Lee Enfield is probably one of the easiest obtainable weapons in the game. I've found 2-3 in a row every gameplay i go through. I throw it in my backpack, thinking i might need it later. Like really? 12500 blood dmg per hit? Its like slapping someone with a piece of paper, and causing major injuries.

I reckon, logging out should be much more difficult. Like sure, you can screenshot the guy, get him banned but hey, there are still 1000+ servers out there and that guy isnt going to stop. Logging out should have a 20 second delay, if the person alt+f4's or ctrl+alt+delete to force close their dayz, it should put the player in shock for 10 minutes, giving a penalty for force closing.

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I reckon, logging out should be much more difficult. Like sure, you can screenshot the guy, get him banned but hey, there are still 1000+ servers out there and that guy isnt going to stop. Logging out should have a 20 second delay, if the person alt+f4's or ctrl+alt+delete to force close their dayz, it should put the player in shock for 10 minutes, giving a penalty for force closing.

And if someone loses their connection due to a computer crash, stop error or network drop?

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I understand where your coming from but you have to remember this is a realistic game and a lee Enfield round is quite big compared to other guns

so a gunshot will rip your body compared to a side arm or a small round from a automatic.

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I understand where your coming from but you have to remember this is a realistic game and a lee Enfield round is quite big compared to other guns

so a gunshot will rip your body compared to a side arm or a small round from a automatic.

Yeah sure, but cant they make the weapon much more rare along with its ammo?

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And if someone loses their connection due to a computer crash, stop error or network drop?

Bad luck i guess? There's a way for everything :/

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Ask a friend to shoot you in the gut with a enfield, give me a call if you survive...

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Ask a friend to shoot you in the gut with a enfield, give me a call if you survive...

The game is practically reality, but like i said, the spawn chance.

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Bad luck i guess? There's a way for everything :/

What I am saying is, it needs to be more intelligent than a blanket "your character remains in game for 30 seconds if you don't abort the game"

Perhaps some sort of detection that the player was receiving fire, however these things are not easy and there's a ton of other bugs to sort out which affect everyone, not just people trying to kill other players.

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Yeah sure, but cant they make the weapon much more rare along with its ammo?

Yeah and no, The weapon is called the 'dinner bell' for a reason its the loudest gun and it also has a slower rate so the speed of a side arm or a auto would make up for the damage tbh

I do think its common maybe lower the spawn rate a little. But there has always got to be 'that' gun what is conmen I would pre fare it to be the Enfield than a auto.

ps. the Enfield has horrid iron sites so as long as you keep moving around cover you can dodge it :)

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What I am saying is, it needs to be more intelligent than a blanket "your character remains in game for 30 seconds if you don't abort the game"

Perhaps some sort of detection that the player was receiving fire, however these things are not easy and there's a ton of other bugs to sort out which affect everyone, not just people trying to kill other players.

You mean when they abort, they get a timer.

I know its not that easy and theres a lot of bugs out there, but its just a suggestion.

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Yeah and no, The weapon is called the 'dinner bell' for a reason its the loudest gun and it also has a slower rate so the speed of a side arm or a auto would make up for the damage tbh

I do think its common maybe lower the spawn rate a little. But there has always got to be 'that' gun what is conmen I would pre fare it to be the Enfield than a auto.

ps. the Enfield has horrid iron sites so as long as you keep moving around cover you can dodge it :)

Sure, its a loud gun, has a slow fire rate. Yeah, you'd shoot at someone, zombies would flood you right? You could switch to secondary, or just overall blast them with the lee enfield itself. Theres lots of ammo anyway.

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Oh my god. Why didn't ANYONE think of this before? I think you should phone Rocket immediately.

Dont be so smart. Sure people would obviously have thought of this, but i aint saying OMGZ NOBODY THOGHT OF DIS YOU SHOULD DO. Like i said before, its just a suggestion, people have thought of it, but it'd be cool if the creator could keep this in mind. You never know, maybe he'll change it, maybe he wont. its just a suggestion.

Edited by AgentK177

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As stated in a previous thread - Alt+f4 is a system command - there's nothing you can do to prevent it or stop it.

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Because getting hit with a high powered .30 caliber bullet going at speeds in excess of 2000 feet per second is exactly like getting slapped with a piece of paper.

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If the lee is common and kills players in one shot, that is the game.

That said I think I killed somebody the other day with a shot in the foot... <_<

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In response to combat logging I will say this.

I beleive that adding something that just patches over the alt-f4 issue is not a good idea.

I think it would be better to add something that adds to the immersion, immotional response, or consequences to your actions.

To counter combat logging I suggest that when you log off (whether alt-f4'ing or abort disconnect) your character stays in-game for 30-60 seconds. During that time your character can be killed, looted, and interacted with as if you were logged in.

What will this create? I beleive it will help create a disadvantage for combat logging, as well as, generate a consequence/add tension to your choice logoff. Are you in a "safe" spot? (in a forrest) or have you left yourself in a compromised position? (in a city or building or sourrounded by players/zombies).

Will it suck if you logged legitamately and got killed while you were looking for another server? Yes... but just because it would suck is not the arguement here. (It sucks that you start with no weapons.. it sucks that when you die you loose everything)

But what it will do is add consequences to everyone (not just alt-f4'ers) and hopefully, in my mind, add to the immersion of the game.

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i think it should be like this: when you log out it should say " logging out in 5 , 4 , 3...." or more, meaby 10 seconds :I

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And if someone loses their connection due to a computer crash, stop error or network drop?

They speak the truth.

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The Lee Enfield packs a punch, sure. But with it comes many problems.

1. Limited Visual range with built-in iron sights. Hitting a target at ranges over 400 meters is very difficult, and a moving target is nigh improbable.

2. Sound. It has to be one of the top three loudest weapons in the game, and that means it calls zombies.

3. Rate of fire. Sure, 1 round kills, but what do you do if you miss? Or if there are 3+ targets? Firing it to kill zombies is a stupid plan, as it attracts MORE zombies.

It IS easy to find, but think of that as a way to balance the gun. A common weapon available to everyone that can combat modern and powerful weapons, such as M107s, FN Fals and other .308 (7.62x51) firearms. It doesn't have the room clearing abilities that come with the AKM. And other weapons have a faster rate of fire, so they help with multiple targets, and are more forgiving. Even with that, there are silent weapons, such as the MP5SD6 or Bizon. Each weapon fills a role, and the Lee Enfield is a great 1-hit wonder, or support weapon.

And with the combat logging, remember this: The Devs are working on it.

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The Lee Enfield packs a punch, sure. But with it comes many problems.

1. Limited Visual range with built-in iron sights. Hitting a target at ranges over 400 meters is very difficult, and a moving target is nigh improbable.

2. Sound. It has to be one of the top three loudest weapons in the game, and that means it calls zombies.

3. Rate of fire. Sure, 1 round kills, but what do you do if you miss? Or if there are 3+ targets? Firing it to kill zombies is a stupid plan, as it attracts MORE zombies.

It IS easy to find, but think of that as a way to balance the gun. A common weapon available to everyone that can combat modern and powerful weapons, such as M107s, FN Fals and other .308 (7.62x51) firearms. It doesn't have the room clearing abilities that come with the AKM. And other weapons have a faster rate of fire, so they help with multiple targets, and are more forgiving. Even with that, there are silent weapons, such as the MP5SD6 or Bizon. Each weapon fills a role, and the Lee Enfield is a great 1-hit wonder, or support weapon.

And with the combat logging, remember this: The Devs are working on it.

You can outrun zombies by running into houses. That way you can get 'em one by one.

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Because getting hit with a high powered .30 caliber bullet going at speeds in excess of 2000 feet per second is exactly like getting slapped with a piece of paper.

It's a metaphor. Paper is easy to find yes? Along with the one hit kill that causes major injuries. Think before you post.

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