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While I was crawling about kamenko and that other zombie infested hell hole along the coast I got to wondering, why not be able to fix a train and travel up and down the coast? you could have all sorts of hijinks like charging people to ferry them, carting food/ med supplies to needy people waiting at the train stops and last but not least, defending it from legit bandit groups and the always welcome mouthbreather griefer....

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i totally expected trains to just be there, naturally. I guess the complete encompassing realism does have a few setbacks, and holes....sad really, because the trains would add an almost "wild west" nature to looting, surviving, travelling, and many other encounters. Nice suggestion, have some beans

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Search Function at the top of the forum. Next time use it, please.

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It COULD be a cool idea, but considering current community, it would be stolen/blown up every 30 minutes, coz it'd be so easy to locate - just follow the tracks, thus serving little to no purpose.

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i think it would be a great idea! then you could use them for rescuing and transportation :D

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Yeah, this would be great if it worked. but as said, it really would just be obliterated by bandits and griefers.

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Has anyone played Enemy Territory?

There was a train that would move if you had a certain amount of teammates around it. Of course if the other team killed you and got control it would go backwards.

Sure would be fun.

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