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While I was crawling about kamenko and that other zombie infested hell hole along the coast I got to wondering, why not be able to fix a train and travel up and down the coast? you could have all sorts of hijinks like charging people to ferry them, carting food/ med supplies to needy people waiting at the train stops and last but not least, defending it from legit bandit groups and the always welcome mouthbreather griefer....

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Yeah then we would have Wild-West like scenarios of train attacks, that would be epic! :D

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Can't see it although a Zombie driven ghost train would shit me up no end, imagine choo choo as a train pulls up next to you and a Zed pops his head out shouting "All aboard!"

I'd certainly run away screaming like a little girl!

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Yeah then we would have Wild-West like scenarios of train attacks, that would be epic! :D

Climbing on-top. BANDIT, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL! *revolver shots*

Fantasy, don't hate.

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lol it would be like that cartoon movie with that little kid climbing into a train that pops up in front of his house on a snowy night.

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But how would you get it to work? Its not like there is any electricity turned on anywhere on the map, and if it was steam powered then where would you find the coal and water? Salt water would ruin the train as all the sodium would cake up and clog the insides. And it would take a LOT of canteens to fill it up ;)

While it sounds like a fun idea (hell, being able to shoot from trains would be fun) I just don't see it being practical :(

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if there would be possible to repair train - some one would do it and hide repared train in bushes outside of map :)

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But how would you get it to work? Its not like there is any electricity turned on anywhere on the map, and if it was steam powered then where would you find the coal and water? Salt water would ruin the train as all the sodium would cake up and clog the insides. And it would take a LOT of canteens to fill it up ;)

While it sounds like a fun idea (hell, being able to shoot from trains would be fun) I just don't see it being practical :(

if vehicles just magically spawn into the map, im sure we can come up with something for a train. it could be a diesel engine.

Large Diesel barrels or drums instead of Jerry Cans, the wheels could be like car wheels without the rubber. scrap metal to repair the hull. its not that complicated.

i think this is an awesome idea that isnt too far fetched at all.

remember- Good Gameplay > Realism

Edited by CrazyAirborne

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Well Jerry cans don't have to just hold fuel, irrispective of what the in-game description says.

You'd only need say 2072 of them :(

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I don't think the train should be fixable, but always at full. This would stop the griefers who would only destroy it. Even if it was empty, they'd blow it up. So make it indestructible.

If someone leaves it sitting somewhere for lets say, an hour without touching it. Then it will automatically drive to the nearest train station and wait. This would stop the yahoo's who would intentionally park it at the end of the track just to be dicks.

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