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Day 2 of my Journey

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Hello guys,

Just recently started telling playing a couple days ago, and so far I'm really impressed after I got a hang of the inventory and middle mouse and everything. I promptly died within minutes of my first spawn, been run over by a car twice in a row, shot in the head, axed to death, lured under the guise of a friendly player and than shot for my can of beans, and hopelessly trapped in a small room with glitchy zombies pummeling me to death. And I'm loving every second of it.

However, once I got the ropes down I logged in this morning with the goal of owning a primary and side weapon, own food, water, map, and a compass, as well as survive for more than a few hours. I was extremely lucky running into cherno with a F**k it attitude, and was rewarded with a makarov, a lee enfield, food, water, compass, blood packs, morphine injectors, tent and a czech backpack. At this point I feel like a King as I hightail it out of their and end up in bolata, meeting another player who yells out friendly, and than immediately got shot in the back by his friend with a m1014. Slightly disheartened, I luckily spawn fairly close to the airfield and to my shock discover my body + the 2 others in the military tent. I load up with as much as I could carry and run off.

Just thought I'd share my experience thus far, and have a few questions if you guys wouldn't mind answering

1. equipped with a toolbox, I know one can take down wirefence kits. when you take it down do you yourself gain 1 wiring kit?

2. After my brush with death with such a substantial load of gear (in my eyes) I decided to take said tent and start a "base of operations" a bit out of the way from cherno. I dumped a bunch of medical supplies, some water bottles, spare ammo, and a large backpack in the tent. Even though it has a chance of being discovered and looted, I feel like it's a legitimate strategy seeing as I get gunned down alot even though I have no intention of shooting anyone. I guess my question is does anyone else do this? Is it even worth the time of finding stuff and trekking back to my tent?

I had more questions but I can't seem to remember them at this point, I'm kinda sleepy x.x

Anyways, dayZ has me hooked, I look forward to working together with people and actually find survivors who aren't dicks

Sorry for the wall of text :S


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1. equipped with a toolbox, I know one can take down wirefence kits. when you take it down do you yourself gain 1 wiring kit?

2. After my brush with death with such a substantial load of gear (in my eyes) I decided to take said tent and start a "base of operations" a bit out of the way from cherno. I dumped a bunch of medical supplies, some water bottles, spare ammo, and a large backpack in the tent. Even though it has a chance of being discovered and looted, I feel like it's a legitimate strategy seeing as I get gunned down alot even though I have no intention of shooting anyone. I guess my question is does anyone else do this? Is it even worth the time of finding stuff and trekking back to my tent?

1. I never tried it, I don't know, sorry. But barbed wire kits are fairly easy to find in the industrial destricts.

2. Yes it can save you a lot of time when you respawn if you have a tent. But remember:

  • Tents are bound to one server
  • Make sure you choose the "save" option from the scrolldown-menu after you*ve stored your stuff
  • Hide it good (It shouldn't be too close to the coast) - which makes it less helpful, I know
  • If it's only beginners stuff in there (like... no AKM or anything), there's a chance the well-equipped people won't take / destroy it

Edited by Toxx

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If you take a barbed wire kit down it is removed completely and not reusable.

And yes, tents are a good idea, but maybe not close to Cherno!

Edited by Aftershok

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