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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

First kill, from a pacifist POV

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so as i continued my 3 weeks of survival, i realized that i STILL didn't have matches. and that i spent all of my time on the coast. go me. so anyway, i moseyed my way into elektro, going west-to-east, trying to find matches. eventually i get to the firestation and think why the hell not, let's see what's up for grabs. so as i approach a wrecked car a little to the south of the station, i suddenly hear some gunshots.

now, not wanting to waste ammo for my AK-74, i swan dive into safety behind the car. i switch to my 1911, deciding that i would use one clip maximum on this guy, for ammo's sake. i peek out a bit, just to see where they were. sure enough, this guy was leaning around the back of the firestation, with a makaroni.

he also had awful aim, as i was watching him for a good five seconds with him still firing at me, and i wasn't hit. now, seeing as this was some dumbass noob, i decided to not waste the ammo, and maybe get him to go after something else. however, i also considered the fact that there was a hatchet hanging off of his belt. (no primary weapon) that would mean that he could be so stupid, that he would come and axe me. so, i decided to continue on, but i would have to shake him first.

i decided the civil way, but also without being too easy. so knowing that i was close enough for him to hear, i said "Hey! Stop shooting me, asshole! I didn't do anything to you. Leave me alone or i'll fucking destroy you with this ak-74. If you want to kill people, fuck off to COD. Go away and i won't kill you."

now for some reason, this seemed to entice him. more shots. faster. don't know how he had so much ammo, but it didn't matter. i guess he thought that he could take me, and take my gun. now in my mind: No fucking way is this loser taking my cool shit. Damn it, why can't people just not play like retards? Stupid makarov.

so there's this building, about a foot from the car to my right. so like a ninja, i prone-roll to safety behind the building. all while this guy is shooting. (whether it was at me or at zombies i don't know, i take it he picked up every makarov mag he found) so i crouch-run (still being aware of zombies) my way around, and eventually was looking at the eastern side of the firestation. sure enough, he sees me, and starts emptying his gun into my direction. (at this point, i'm shaking in real life. this was exhilarating, especially since i had something to fight for.) i wait for his inevitable reload, and i swiftly lean out of cover and fire four shots into him.

he falls over.

at this point, i stop panicking about him, and start panicking about the zombies. i turn around, throw a tin can, then hit the deck. and it worked! with the zombies hushed, i crawl my way to the firestation. i get to his body, and sit there for a moment. stunned. i had become the thing i hate so much. a murderer. after several seconds of deep thought, my mind returns to the situation: i'm standing in the wide open, not moving, with a fancy gun. so i lie down, and open the guy's gear, when i realize, i can't.

so after a few seconds of confusion, it hits me. He's not dead. i start to wonder what to do. i back away, wondering when he could come out of unconsciousness. i have my gun aimed at his head, waiting. and sure enough, right on time, his head pops up. i shoot, but miss as he turns at me with lightning speed. i shoot again, right in the head. he drops. and then, from the silence, come flies.

i had finally killed my first person in dayz. then i started to think even deeper. Why was he shooting me? Was he defending something? What brought him into Elektro? Where was he going? Where did he come from?

i didn't even get his name. i wasn't focusing on the name that popped up when i looked at him. then, i started thinking about what would have happened if things didn't go the way they did. what if he ran? what if I ran? what if the zombies attacked us? what if he had killed me? plenty of things still went through my mind as i went through their stuff. what did they have? what else--seven more makarov mags in their backpack.

it was truly amazing what i felt after killing someone in a GAME. the fight for survival, the taste of victory, the overwhelming guilt. in my mind, i concluded with: I had ruined his fun, but they deserved it for being a jackass. which i feel is fair. not being overly dramatic for a video game, and not feeling nothing like plenty of assholes out there.


Q: why in 3 weeks of living did you not have matches?

A: i didn't have matches simply because i couldn't find them. that's probably why i've stayed on the coast so much. finding matches to continue, because i had plenty of refillable water bottles, a hatchet, and several raw meats. all i needed was matches for portable food. (i was also surviving off of the fire barrels around the cities)

Q: why in 3 weeks of living did you not kill anybody?

A: because that's not how i roll. i avoided everyone like the plague, after being killed without reason several times. i mostly just didn't see anybody. i probably saw about 9 people, and more than half were just running by in the distance.

Q: zombies?

A: only alerted two. ninja stealth ftw. which is also why i was able to have my ammo last so long.

all in all, it was great. i found matches yesterday, and am now making my journey to the North West Battle Field. (NWBF, not NWAF) it is things like this that make me love this game, despite the other irritations.i will continue to avoid humanity in this game, and i also plan to not kill unless absolutely necessary (as was in this situation)

TL;DR: No! go back and read the post, you lazy ass, it's good.

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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great post. thank you for sharing, and also for your integrity.

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I'd like to have you in my group of survivors. I like your moral compass. It points North in my book.

Glad you're still alive. Glad you didn't take the first shot. Glad you tried to negotiate peaceably.

You're a good guy. Great story.

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I'd like to have you in my group of survivors. I like your moral compass. It points North in my book.

Glad you're still alive. Glad you didn't take the first shot. Glad you tried to negotiate peaceably.

You're a good guy. Great story.

i despise the way players play this game, as seen from my "Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD" thread. i have no problem teaming up with someone, but nobody ever wants to. any body that wants to team up with me, feel free to contact me, and we'll work something out.

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Way to get really into it...

I just found a guy spying on a town with binoculars on a hill and I just smashed him to bits with an axe without a second's hesitation. Got me a rifle and went on with my day.

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Way to get really into it...

I just found a guy spying on a town with binoculars on a hill and I just smashed him to bits with an axe without a second's hesitation. Got me a rifle and went on with my day.

great story, full of wit and adventure.. intriguing. (haha joke)

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that brings me to another idea, please, non-assholes, join up with me. let's survive. not die. not be assholes.

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Sounds like you had fun. You did the right thing. :)

it was definitely fun, and i wish it would happen more. you know, with me being alive with all of my stuff.

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