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Another Teleport

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Entire server ported. Reminds me of the days of TFC with a AdminStack. Only with this it's a hack. Just started playing this mod. See lots of people reporting hacking. Don't know how long I'll play the Mod with this amount of non security..

Oh yeah this server down there.

DayZ - US 513 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95208) [Recruit 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by Mr. Bill us.png?1163393040

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Starting to think it's one guy causing all of these. So many of these posts in the past few days..

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Don't know what it is but in a hardcore mode. It's not fun to play.

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they will never fix the hacking and the only reply your gonna get is a bunch of douche bags saying its an alpha what do you expect this game is fucked just be ready for WAR Z this fall!

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LOL i hear you. The only thing you can do it log off as quick as possible...

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My friend and I are on server 853 and the entire server is getting teleported.

He's pretty sure it's the BangBros Cocklover and BangBros Coitus teleporting us and killing us all.

Perfect for noobs like us to join a server like this

My first gun, gone :(

Oh and BangBrosMajorSchtz

Missed that one.

Edited by Squeezit

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had this happen earlier was teleported to klem mountain and chaos ensued... all i could think to do was run away and shoot anyone that followed me i then ran back and wiated to see a guy run up and start lotting people i assumed he was the hacker and unloaded a entire bizon clip into him. to bad i lost the m107 he had on his back.... i was so sad been looking for a sniper rifle for a months now get one and it poofs into a m16 acog U_U

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