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US1104 Clan =CRBF= DC

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My friends and I have been using US1104 as our home for the past few days.

=CRBF= clan own it and we have had a few run-ins with them , along with finding their camp.

As you login to their server they have a message that comes up saying they ban those who disconnect during combat.

How ironic when one of them did it to us today, I have it on FRAPs, but have not uploaded it. The player was =CRBF= Reinoran.

That is pretty shitty, especially when they have that message.

Edited by Rampage37
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Bump...... now they banned my group for no good reason. Just because we raided their camp.... LOL.

- Also have that on video.

Edited by Rampage37
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Im sorry my friend but Im an admin from 1104 =CRBF= D4ssBlaster we have our log.file about your "Clan" [RD] are using some hack scripts we just let your guys play till we have got the prove about why we ban your members, we just play for fun and we dont care if you find our "camp" because we have many camps, also we will just send the log.file (scripts from every player do when log in and when is playing ) to Day Z support so dont try to blame a real CLAN =CRBF= who have rules and WE DON�T ACCEPT HACKERS!!!

=CRBF= D4ssBlaster

Edited by D4ssBlaster

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Hmmm interesting... did you filmed how you guys knew where all the possible vehicles scattered in the map that we owned were located? and how you found every single one of them that we hardly got and were pretty well hidden (not included the ATV´S which were in a really bad place)? and how you guys got to the same place like 5 minutes after your death´s fully armed with SD weps and ghillies (which are absolutely hard to get or even impossible at the current state of the mod says, the ghillies of course) ohhh and did you filmed how you guys manage to get like 20 satchel charges to blow up like 100 meters of forest around our camp? we saw you guys doing weird stuff like 3 times after the third one was enough! funny that you guys as soon as i spawned like 1 minute later after logging in, you all were like 20 meters away from me in the woods with ghillie suits and jumped on me! and another coincidence... i think i heard about some hacks updates the same day it all happened and it was impossible to detect scripts! Yeahimh, Kaj and Hillbilly were all scripting and dont deny it! if you were planning to come to our server and do whatever you guys wanted, well forget about that! play fairly or get the hell out! there are enough scripters in the game already! and just to let you know! after i started playing the day after i killed myself so i wouldnt carry your filthy scripted items!

PS: Funny how you guys can know that it was me without Tags inside the game and with just 1 minute after logging inside the server, please... just stop using those lame scripts and play fairly.

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Actually, it's quite funny you ask if we recorded it, because yes, we did.

We initially logged into your server because the server we had been playing on was hacked (Battleships and Abrams all over the place, US 328) and we had been summoned and killed. Fortunately, the tents respawned on the next server restart so we took what we could carry and migrated to a server that also had a similar time offset (yours). We brought tents and all our supplies with us and simply set up our camp in the same position as the old camp, that's why we had gear.

Secondly, we were enjoying the "clan war". I spotted the white offroad truck at its spawn point (redacted, I won't give your camp away, if you're still there.) and called all my guys to come help me repair it. As I was clearing all the loot spawns in the factory to get all the parts necessary to get it running, I ran into two of your members in the long barn located ever so slightly to the southwest, and they shot me down. We then had a ~30 minute standoff with you guys that resulted in all of us being killed except me on my new character. Luckily, I spawned at Kamenka and had the sense to check the Bicycle spawn next to the lighthouse so I could get back to the action ASAP. While you guys messed with the white truck, I decided since there were ~5 of you there, your tents must be nearby and decided to go due West of where you entered the tree line, and imagine my surprise when I found your blue Van parked right in the trees. Armed with the encouragement that I was right about your stuff being nearby, I continued to scout every dense spruce grove nearby (GOSH! who would think tents might be there?!) and found your 5 tent camp. Despite seeing your two ATVs, Bizons, and more, I just took the GPS to mark your coordinates, and a Kobra to get home safely and I returned to my camp to regear. Later, I snuck back down and grabbed an ATV to pick up my clanmates and regear quickly, and we ran into you again (actually I literally ran into one of you, with your van!).

When we regrouped, I led my team to each of the Ural spawn points until we finally found it. By this time it was fairly late in the evening, and they logged out (after quite a few firefights with both your clan and other players). My squad was actually somewhat bummed out that we had lost so much gear (even though we could replace it) that I decided to handle things myself. I ran the 30 minutes each way all by myself and went back to your camp. I tend to stick to tree lines when I run places as it allows me the best vision of potential camps and vehicle hideaways, and I got rather fortunate to find the same above-mentioned white truck parked in a single spruce tree near the edge of the map. I then systematically drove each of your vehicles from your camp back to our camp, and raided your tents for some basic supplies (mainly food and drink, and one more kobra, since you didn't have much we needed.)

The next day, we noticed your "We Have received suspicious activity of hackers!" admin-speak had become more prevalent, and realized you were referring to us. Frankly, we were annoyed, so we decided to drive the Ural to your base, that's what knocked the trees down, not C4. If you notice, I drove a fairly clean cut path from the center of your camp all the way back to the road. I'm also rather proud of the huge circle we flattened in your camp, it takes a lots of patience to drive in a circle like that for 10 minutes. (Evidence of the Ural, our team, and the circle here! http://imgur.com/a/Vj9yp)To address your concern of how we knew it was you, we have played the game before. When we were en route to the camp, we don't sit and twiddle our thumbs. I drive, one person watches the players screen to see how many of you are in game, and the rest scan for movement in the trees. We knew it was your base from watching you come and go, and you were the only member of your clan who was in game and then suddenly out as you were being shot at next to your tents.

I'd love to see what proof of "scripting" you have, in fact I believe the mods would too, as we already contacted DayZ Shawn a few hours ago and he was none too pleased to hear about your admin abuse.

Learn to play the game, or at least learn how to be an impartial server admin.

Good day sirs.

- [RD] Randiesel

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Thank you Randiesel, for clarifying to them how it all happened..... & so I didn't have to type that all out myself. ;p

Anyways, I too would LOVE to see your so called proof of our hacks there CRBF.... but I am afraid your search will come up short.

I am currently on vacation for a week but once I am back I will GLADLY upload our videos of running down your camp, your player DC'ing, along with all of our other so called "suspicious" activity. Not that we need any other proof, our facts have been said.


- [RD] Rampage

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All your excuses sound too convenient! i like it! i like how you guys pretend i can believe all what you just said! sure there are a couple of things that might match what you guys are claiming but i certainly will never believe all the things you guys are saying! so here is the deal... lets forget about all the shit that happened and start over again, BUT we will keep an eye on all of your clan just in case! there are too many scripters out there and very few ways to know if they are actually scripting or not! the camp was absolutely easy to spot and that i admit, but a couple of things that you guys said are hard to believe! Peace out and see you around then!

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I'm not sure how any of the above is "too convenient"; in fact it took me the better part of 3 hours to steal your vehicles! If you have issues with anything I haven't explained, you're welcome to ask for clarification. Secondly, I looked at the post history for both you and D4ssBlaster and thought it was rather odd to see all the posts requesting help to detect hackers, and you were met with responses about Jets/Helicopters and Tanks. Funny how we had none of that and yet you still decided we were "hacking" with supposedly irrefutable proof that essentially amounted to us destroying your camp.

You may say to want to "start over," but we're still banned.

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i like the part where you guys call me a hacker well guess what dude you dont know me i bought this pc i have a few months ago because my friends talked me into it so i could play with them online ........ ITS THE FIRST PC THAT I HAVE OWNED THAT WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO PLAY GAMES ON the other pc i have owned was a piece of crap the army bought for me to go to school with i have been a console gamer my whole life and pride myself on being a fair and legit gamer i hate hackers they are the scum of the earth in the gaming world and you trashing my friends and my gamer tag is a bunch of BULL SHIT im so bad with the pc my friends had to coach me through the process just to download the game because i have never done stuff like this with a pc before much less doing some script crap or hack whatever you said i did we are just a group of buddies who want to play the game the way it was meant to be played like my buddy said we left our home server because of hackers we hate them as much if not more than you do so get you facts straight there is no way on this earth i could hack my way out of a wet paper sack much less a game and what are the things you still cant believe dude we told you just as it happened man dont get mad because we know and play the game better than you guys do its ok im sure there is someone out there who could beat us we just havent found them yet but we are looking for a challenge because you guys didnt put one up we were on YOUR server for two days and we killed all of you found your camp stole all your gear and cars and destroyed your camp and a 100m of forest around it with the ural i am flat dumb when it comes to the pc world man i know you want to be like " the only reason we died is because they are hackers " but the real reason is you just suck and you were just OWNED by a pc noob and his friends ( i watched two of you kill your selves with a epic grenade fail LOL ) so the next time you want to talk trash and post crap that didnt even happen just take a step back .......... take a second ......... think about it ................................


Have a pleasant day gentlemen

Edited by RD HillBilly
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hi well...what kind i say about your post i think just 2 words KID talking, we play fair, we like to get FUN and if we play bad or not almost we play fair, we are new playing Day Z but we have years playing other games with my guild who have more tham 50 members and our games is not just Day Z we play battlefield since battlefield 2, LoL, WoW, SRO, etc. You can review the post again plaese and tell me if we used bad words or ofensive words? we just make what we thought was the best no for us i mean for the server we just look some weird stufff (that aren´t spawn any more since 2 last updates) as i said before no matter if you guys found the camp we have more servers and have more camps WE JUST WAS TAKING CARE ABOUT OUR SERVER THAT WE PAID FOR IT!!! AND DUDE JUST 1 THING HACKERS AND SCRIPTERS ARE DIFERENT.

NOTE: take care you can be banned for use offensive lenguage we dont need to use it!

=CRBF= D4ssBlaster

Edited by D4ssBlaster

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Note your buddy use offensive language first off and your boy calling me a hacker or scripter or whatever ( i dont know the difference im not a pc geek dude ) AKA cheater is the worst thing you can call a true gamer and wow your guild has over 50 members watch out my clan on the box has over 1500 on call of duty alone not to mention the other games we support so if you want to see whos is bigger..... so when your buddy called me a cheater it got under my skin a lot i dont appreciate someone trashing me on stuff i didnt do so i am apologetic for your feelings being hurt with the language i will tone it down in the future but dont call people cheaters when they are not thats offensive language to me and is the worst thing you can call me so back off with that nonsense so know what your talking about before you trash us because whoever reads these post now will think we are cheaters and not want to play with us and we are not when all we do is play fair

P.S. not a kid just your retarded BS pissed me off

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