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My impression of tempeturate feature

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So far I have loved the mod and spent many and many hours with it. But at last night when the patch came out and tested it in the practice, I must say I got a little bit worried about this new tempeturate feature. On this thread I'm speaking about after the hot fix.

So we logged in the game with the new patch and started to find wood for getting us warm. We started the journey from close to Pustoshka. We figured out the temp dropped quite fast, infact really fast(my close approximation is 1 point per 30 sec) and we started to get worried about. Pushtoshka didn't had a single wood pile. Well we thought it must be just bad luck and continued the seek of the wood. Temp kept dropping and we got even more worried about when we figured out that you didn't gain any more temp when you were inside the buildings.

Then 1 of our friend find 3 piles of wood from Zelenogorsk supermarket and we arranged a rallypoint in between Pusto and Zeleno for heating us up. Then we head south and not soon after 1 of us got flu. I liked this idea in the changelog, but getting an infection from the cold in 30 minutes or so felt a bit exaggerated and unfair. We continued to the south and checked every barn and house we possible saw at the close proximity. But we couldn't find a single wood.

Eventually we reached our rendezvous point and set up the campfire. Before that 1 of us was under 20 temp points. Not far away from the hypothermia and we didn't want to take chances what will happen when you reach the 0. So we got warmth again and were about to continue the journey again. We figured out that you don't get warm very fast. It felt like half of the time we got cold.

When we found those only wood we have found so far from the supermarket we decided to head to Vybor which was the second closest supermarket. Temp again started to drop down and we eventually had to make another camp fire close to Myshkino. We had jokes while we were getting warm next to the camp fire that it seems to be that wood in Chernarus is more scarce than weapons and somebody even wrote on the sidechannel that he could change his M24 for wood. Anyway we didn't lose our hope yet completely and continued the journey.

Then we finally reached to Vybor and so far our saldo of the wood were those we found at Zeleno. Well then we found couple of piles in some houses and there was some more at the supermarket. So it seemed that we have had a very bad luck with the loot and it seemed that we will not die to the hypothermia after all. Though this server had only max 20 players, so it could be much worse with more players.

Still the impression of this system left a quite bad mouth in our mouths. It just feels fool to spend 1/3 of the game time in next to the campfire and it certainly doesn't feel like too realistic either. Chernarus seems to have early autumn going on(trees still has leaves etc.), so you certainly shouldn't get cold with clothes the character has. At least at the day time. It would make sense if the night or harsh condition would cause this temp drop. Also this system feels kinda dumb when you have many forests next to you full of all kind of kindling material like branches and still you have to search wood in panic from towns and villages. Also I'd guess those villages could have axes to find for doing your own wood or perhaps more warm clothes.

I like the tempeturate idea, but I think it shouldn't be that harsh. It's not the Siberia in the winter. :)

In other way the game has exactly what I have dreamed from the game and I really hope you guys keep the freedomness of the game for you to be the good guy or the bad guy and anything from between. It's the big part why this game is so succeeded and unique concept. I don't know any game which have brought this well human mind in the game. Also the permadeath has made my adrealine rush more than on any other game. When you have the reality that you could lose everything for a bandit ambush or zombies overrun you play this game completely differently than any other game. So far very impressed about the alpha. Keep up the good work. :)

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In reality you dont catch a cold just because you're outside, and its not snow or anything anywhere in Chernarus, nor does it have a cold feeling, more like summer.

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