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I seem to be stuck...

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I died in a helicopter and now there's an hourglass on my screen. I can't seem to press anything and even after the all the white descends. I'm not sure if there something specific I'm supposed to do that I don't know about or that it's some kind of bug.

I've tried exiting the game and re-entering a new one, but I always return to the same hourglass and everything I do seems to be unresponsive, (I had to quit the game using alt+f4.)

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You quit the game whilst in shock, so now when you log-in you are forced to wait 5 minutes to wake up. Once you do wake up do not log out straight away because there is a good chance that you will log-in and be unconscious still. It is best if you run around for a while after you wake up, to try to stop this.

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Well, I waited for at least 20 minutes (I alt-tabbed out of it and just let it run), I'm not sure why I still won't take up, but I guess I'll just wait until I die of thirst or hunger.

Edit: Now, I just respawn in the same place come back to the same issue. I kinda get the feeling that isn't supposed to happen. Maybe I'll bring my issue over to bug reports.

Edited by Vanyght

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