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US 45 Demolished building nxs clan hacking/cheating

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When: around July 23 11:20 EST

What: Went to fire house in Cherno when 2 friends i went up to tower and was shot my other 2 friends looked around for the killer, the building exploded killing one of my friends my other friend died from shooting and killed someone he than re spawned and ran to the town killed one and than checked his body which had AS-50, NVGs, rangefinders and a whole suite of things probably hacked and while searching his body and was killed by another member. I re spawned near cherno and ran to the town and recorded gameplay Exhibit A : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VZz1ES4cjs in which i went to the building and checked my friends body while the cheaters shot at me and mimicked me.

Who: Nxs clan specificlly, nxs-dream, nxs-killa, and nxs-zft. I have a screenshot of them in the server list

Exhibit B:http://i.imgur.com/KP9iH.jpg?1

Proof: see Exhibit A and Exhibit B And Exhibit C

I really want to see these guys banned and have 2 friends to vouch for this. The server was US 45.

Furthermore i have Exhibet C:

this is footage of nxs-killa with obviously hacked weapons and ghillie suit. Edited by Big Cat

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Anytime I kill someone, I sit back and wait for them to come back to loot their body. It isn't cheating, it's patience.

I don't see how having legitimate weapons is hacking. Exploiting and hording, maybe, but hardly hacking.

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I just want to point out that to my knowledge, Rocket Launchers are single shot only. They also replace your pack. That said, you can't have more than one launcher which means you can only shoot ONE rocket. You can't reload it. Once used, its worthless. I have been playing this game for a while and NEVER found a rocket launcher. Nor have I ever seen anyone with one. So the chances of someone finding one of them is very very slim. Having two guys each with a rocket launcher is damn near impossible, and having one guy with two is impossible. So i'd vote hacker.....since those guys heard two rockets in that video apparently....

edited mostly for spelling :P

Edited by ImperialX

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This is absurd. We are not hackers. We killed you using teamwork, communication, and more importantly weaponry taken off of other players dead bodies.

Also, we did not blow that building up, it was destroyed when we entered Cherno.

I didn't want to be a dick in this post but the amount of disrespect you've shown by not only creating a baseless thread accusing us of cheating, but to then continue on by recording gameplay of you trying to counter us with a crossbow is completely indefensible behavior.

That being said, next time you get killed by someone you should think about what you could have done better. Not start hackusating a somewhat professional gaming association. Because nerds who take gaming seriously will not take kindly to slander of this sort.

P.S. If this video prevents us from playing on one of our favorite servers god help this community.

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Actually I joined that server a few days ago, killed someone called nXs Dream then someone shot a rocket launcher at me i went to loot the body he had insane items AS50 thermal i then ran for my life. I then saw another person and killed them about 20 mins later it was again nXs Dream who had everything i looted off him be4 AS50 thermal lazer range finder GPS largest backpack ive ever seen holding FN FAL with night vison scope after i went to that budy i was killed. I then went to Cherno and killed nXs Killa and then a nuke fell go to this video and this is what i saw at the end i randomly die again.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_pFdS1V0a4&feature=plcp if this isnt enough profe i dont know what else you ppl want other then its most likely the people from the clan posting that this is garbage. These fools are busted plain as day and need to be banned ive had a friend banned for picking up a hacked item that had no name just a pic and these guys nuke servers and can do this day in and day out without the worry of being banned ..... sounds little messed up to me lets be little pro active on the hacker front other wise ill most likely find another game to play

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As I have stated already, we do not hack. We enjoy this game as much as the rest of you I'm sure. We are not a clan of trolls from the depressing depths of the internet here to ruin anyone's fun.


We also have a youtube channel, facebook, and twitter. If you think we aren't serious about gaming you clearly have your head up your ass.

But back to the point. Our team works for everything we get so if you kill us with an as50 it's one we've taken off of a survivor, or found at a helicopter crash. As far as the crooked happenings in that server go, we had nothing to do with it.

Yes, I am nXs-Dream, and I can speak for my team when I ask you politely to stop accusing us of this blatant douchebaggery. We do not nuke servers. We do not hack in weapons or vehicles. All we do is find guns and kill people, who then get mad and post nonsensical, flimsy reports on the forums about us. So please, grow up and stop smearing our name.

Edited by Amphetadream

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Just stateing u dont hack man doesnt do anything when there's proof of it everywhere, I've contacted the person who created this topic and we're getting more videos loaded to youtube. There's no way 20 mins after ur death while you're not with your chumbs u got AS50 thermal FN Fal night vison lazer range finder the elite backpac all in Cherno not in ur dreams guy. It sucks getting caught it sucks even more playing with low life clans who do this to legit players. then to have a nuke fall as soon as you're killed have rockets shot at us and blow a building up while shooting at ur team to have several other people experience the same sort of events that I have and Big Cat have its not just some couindence. And theres a major flaw in your video that i may point out to everyone. Your video was uploded July 21st and you had a L85 A2 AWS that was not even avaible in the game until the patch witch was a later date then the time of the video being posted. Everything you've said and everything you've done is on video many accounts of people seeing what you've done experiencing it all and the discounting your statments proves byond a shadow of a doubt that your group is hacking in these items period. The people who play done give a crap if u have facebook and twitter means ur hackers that have facebook and twitter .....

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The L85 has been in and out of the game over the last few patches. It was in the game before and it's in the game now.

The videos submitted as proof of us "hacking" have done nothing for your case. One shows a guy running around with a crossbow and getting shot to death by a legitimate weapon. Another shows a nuke going off and that's it. If you think that would stand up in a court of law you're sadly mistaken. I understand taking someone at their word is difficult over the internet, but that's all we have in this situation. My word against yours. I don't believe you will ever find any incriminating evidence against our clan because, as I've stated multiple times now, we do not hack.. So make up stories all you want, twist facts more obviously than Fox News or CNN. People who can think for themselves will see clear as day there's no proof.

Edited by Amphetadream

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facts bro it aint just ur's vs mine ..... keep talking bro keep on talking

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facts bro it aint just ur's vs mine ..... keep talking bro keep on talking

You say you have proof, and yet you post none. Fact.

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20 mins after u die in cherno u have all ur items back ..... fact ..... nuke kills everyone on server but nxs fact ........ many ppl experience ur stupid hacking fact ...... again i hate to repeat myself since all u need to do is scroll up and read again..... we're loading more videos of u app just playing good as a group rolf ..... and no they were bugged and u can find that out with a little reading L85 was bugged ..... FACT you cant find AS50 Thermal Lazer range finder backpack eliet nvg's all that in 20 mins in cherno .... FACT ..... like i said we'll be posting more videos brah

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Big Cat, Jeebuzz, I have had some of that exact same thing go on with me with this group of players. I have had them spawn in after them dieing and they have every item they want right out of the starting zones. This group of people are hackers im right there with you both in getting them banned for hacking. They dont even hide it well and yes the L85 did have problems and it shows that ur using it while those problems were in effect imo get rid of these people and let legit players have the game back

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This is getting ridiculous.

Keep making up stories together. My guess is you three are the ones we killed last night.

And Jeebuzz, none of what you said is true.

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sigh what a guy you've been busted and i dont know these ppl outside of the forms you're just making stuff up everytime something new is said .....

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Yup listen 1:17 saying there cheating ... did the same to me and laughed at me while i bled out .... screw these hackers

So you admit to being affiliated with big cat at least. So there's that.

And if you listen with your ears nXs-zft says "reported for cheating". He's making fun of you big cat because you were whining to us saying you were going to report us for cheating.

Seriously, did you even watch the video? You run outside the house and get shot. How is that proof of us hacking?

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at no time did he use direct chat to talk to anyone he hit group chat but we all know u cant hear anything in group chat bro w/e i'm reporting this as well to battle eye as well im sick of ur complaining cuz yoy have been busted ..... now please stfu

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What are you going to give them as evidence? The video of Big Cat? That will go well.

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