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Poopty Pants

US 912 - Mass teleporting death/spawn moving, kicking from not admin, spawning vehicles

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7/23/12 At 11:30 EST, Me and two buddies drove north and someone named "andrew" spawned right next to our car and stole it. He was invincible (3 full clips of M4A1) did nothing. He then spawned a helicopter and proceeded to shoot us. He then kicked me and friend out of game (we know the admin personally who was not online).

His alias was "andrew".

I am unsure of exactly went on after but the server was emptied.

Earlier that day, there was mass teleporting to one location and everyone died. I believe the same thing happened again. (server went from full 40/40 to 11/40 in 10 minutes).

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How did you see his name? Is this a server with names enabled?

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