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Anti-Bandit Clan, Yes we are the ABC clan. lol >.<

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Too bad I ain't from US, but expect me to show up sometimes to help you guys out with that job, when its night time here :) Just gimme some servers you play most of the time at. Peace.

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sounds like something I could get behind, I'm a decent sniper, but havn't found one on my current character yet

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Well, Trying to meet up with two new members Clerkius and Gnar... Apparently Gnar killed Clerkius, so this whole recruiting deal is going to be a tad more difficult than expected.

BUT we have a confirmed enemy already. Gnar, may we find you. And ruin your day.

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In response to the inflow, I had to set the group to private. But if you wish to join. PM me on Steam, within the group. Jerald. We'll set up a time and place to meet and get a judgement of your character and how you play. Don't think that you can pull murder, we are careful we watch each others back. We do not meet alone. We always meet as a group. So. Be good.

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We mainly run on US servers b.t.w. Just look for our tags: {ÅßÇ} or more basic, (ABC).

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Steam won't let me PM you for some odd reason. I just sent you a friend request. I'm only and ready to play now so accept when you get a chance.

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Same as this guy above me, sent a friend request on steam, I'd like to join up with you fellas, tired of the lone wolf style... I've got a mic and skype, PM on here or Steam when you get a chance and I'll give you my skype.. Peace.

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Damn, another Anti-Bandit clan? These forums are becoming a hub more for us then the bandits now XD. If you guys ever need any help, don't hesitate to hit us up. We've been through all the motions. And let me tell you, it's a hell of a lot easier learning from sum1 who experienced it before. We even got a cozy teamspeak for you clan if you need it :P.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


Edited by darknight558

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Thanks for the heads up Darknight. We'll definitely keep an eye out for your members using the TAB tag and definitely help them out when we run into them. The clan was made between just me and a few buddies of mine, we decided why not expand. Didn't expect so much response. lol

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Hey, i would like to join the clan. Im charles, 20. The only thing is that im noy from the us,

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