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Detta (DayZ)

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ever thought about creating a team to patrol a portion of the map, along side of what you may already have?

and have it led by a trusted individual to add

I'm not going to discuss how we proceed on how we roam Chernarus. We are beginning to enter a very organized stage of the Clan, and we have several teams with a team leader, yes.

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I was part of this clan and then was booted for killing a higher ranking member who had already killed me 2 time earlyer that day. Then I asked a freind to hop on the server and get the stuff at my camp there. (Detta aka server admin banned me from it) Then Detta used some type of hacking to get to my freind ( teleported ) then broke his leg on the road when nothing was around him and there were no chains to indicate dsync. DO NOT JOIN THIS TERRIBLE CLAN.

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I was part of this clan and then was booted for killing a higher ranking member who had already killed me 2 time earlyer that day. Then I asked a freind to hop on the server and get the stuff at my camp there. (Detta aka server admin banned me from it) Then Detta used some type of hacking to get to my freind ( teleported ) then broke his leg on the road when nothing was around him and there were no chains to indicate dsync. DO NOT JOIN THIS TERRIBLE CLAN.

And people wonder why I set age requirements to my clan? I'm sure if you ask any other clan member, then this is a very wonderful clan. The only thing that could challenge that, is people like you dramatizing and overreacting. And the only cheating this clan has had the unfortunate experience with is you and coopydubs duplicating.

Please don't bomb my thread, TJ. I didn't teleport to your friend, I saw him, asked if he was your friend, and I broke his legs. I had a bicycle and a crowbar as a matter of fact. He was then eaten by zombies.

PS: The duped items you left behind is clan property, which we happily use to supply new recruits with. Adios TJ! My advice to you is that the next problems you have to face in your life, take it like a man.

Those people you said were your friends are in this clan, and they are what makes this clan what it is. Stop backstabbing.

Edited by Detta

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Detta, you'll never be successful because you're a horrible leader. The sooner you realize that, the better.

I'll realize that if the members realize that. You are not a member. You were a member, but you were kicked in consensus with the other members.

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I'll realize that if the members realize that. You are not a member. You were a member, but you were kicked in consensus with the other members.

Those other members consist of two people and one sheep. One of those two people is missingman1, the guy above complaining about how much you suck. Good source. The other is a guy who was mad at me for killing him after me and a team leader of your clan told him to stop duping, after which he annoyed us on TS so much that your team leader had to password lock a channel for us to play, after which he poke spammed us for the next several hours. Just to add some sauce on top, he's also a known scammer of real money. The last guy had just came back from rage quitting from the game who I really didn't talk to at all.

Now, let's look at this situation from a more realistic perspective. Your clan was a failure (and I watched it fail, day after day, as less people came on and the few players I looked up to disappeared) and the reason is because you have no presence as a leader to aim your clan in a positive direction. You alone are the reason your clan will always have drama, quitters, dupers, etc.. You sat in your locked channel all day, never played and pretty much every word you said smelled like someone with a low self-esteem trying to convince everyone of how important he is.

Anyway, I'm done here. There's enough dipshits on this game to keep your clan running on retard fuel for a little longer, but have fun managing that shitstorm while they cause the legit players you find to quit. Good luck to you sir.

Edited by noiradle
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Apparently I've given a good enough impression for you to waste your time writing that post. I find it entertaining how you've decided to try and analyze the situation and even me. I have to say you've done so wrongfully.

If I could remind you, a lot of our members are on vacation right now. You probably forgot that though. The guy in particular (coopydubs) actually got removed from the clan because he lowered himself to the same position both you and TJ are in. My clan will get our fuel from teamwork and companionship, which it was founded on. It's only sad you didn't get to see the return of our vacant members and the push we'll receive from our sponsors (www.mymgn.com).

You were always discretely talking shit and acting like a prepubescent child. There's a reason why you're out of the clan and feel out of place.

Now please stop bumping this old thread.

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Ive been in more than my share of clans, guilds, etc. Ive had the honor of being a leader of one, and an officer in many, and the one thing you realize, and (if you have any intelligence) realize quickly, is that there will always be the drop outs, there will always be the spammers, there will always be the guys looking for any easy way to get through the game. But the one thing you do not always find is that guy who can lead the group well enough that it makes you want to play your part in it so you have the honor in saying that you did. Detta isn't just the leader of our group, but one of the best, if not the best, group leader I've ever had the honor of playing with.

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The guy in particular (coopydubs) actually got removed from the clan because I finally realized he's a piece of shit which should have been evident from the start.

I'm glad to hear that. Good luck with your sponsorship, I look forward to seeing you guys virtual hiking competitively at EVO 2013!

I'll stop bumping this now at your request, Admiral Detta. I've done what I came here to do, which is to let people know what they're getting into beforehand.

Edited by noiradle
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