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Detta (DayZ)

Detta Company is recruiting loyal & dedicated members

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Recruitment is now closed.

Recruitment will open in 1-3 months.


This thread has now been revised.

Please note that certain numbers in this threads might be outdated. Like age and members.


Detta Company was created by two members: Detta & Zack a.K.a Ninja

Zack is a guy I met online on DayZ, and we got acquainted. I however, have had a goal ever since I started.

That goal is to earn and maintain the friendship of others, united towards a common purpose: to survive.

We currently have 14 great members, and we try to make sure that everyone enjoy themselves.

We come to each others aid, and we place our trust in the brotherhood that has emerged.

We are constantly looking for people to join, both new and old players.

Loyalty is heavily prioritized, and if you aren't planning on bonding to your group, do not come.

Dedication is also a key factor, in order to ensure the survival of both the group and our lives.

Our youngest member is 13. Our oldest member is 32. Ages vary, but the arbitrary value is not important.

Your conscious mind and personality is what makes the difference.

What We Have

A US 50 slot DayZ Server (www.DayZHosting.com)

A US 50 slot Teamspeak 3 Server

(Soon to be) A website





Requirements are never fun, but they're always necessary. Sorry.

You must be 16 years old. Rare exceptions are made.

You must be able to communicate and relax. Have fun!

There are a few jokers around. Being overly serious only gets you so far in this group.

I rarely give orders. But when I do; listen. Most things are handled in consensus though.


I see popularity.

I see competition.

I see divisions for all the major games.

I see strong collective leadership.

I see brothers.

I see you.


I will not make a generic application form for people to reply.

We were born with a brain, use it to think. Be creative.

Please include your age, name and a short bio please.

Send me a PM!

Also, please make a post in this thread to express your first-impression of this "message".

Edited by Detta
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Welcome to the clan Adjita and missinggman11, We hope you have a fun time playing with our group.

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Thank you very much Detta, I joined 12 hours ago, and haven't slept since. Greatest group I've ever played any game with.

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At the moment we're using Skype. I will rent Ventrilo/Teamspeak 3 eventually.

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we should get a website :rolleyes:

Edited by terror0

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we should get a website :rolleyes:

Yes, we should. But I'm unsure whether it's worth to rent hosting. I already host the server, I was hoping to get a member that would help share expenses.

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Hi Detta!

My two friends and I are very interested in your new group! I tried to get a few more people to join but it didn't work out too well. http://dayzmod.com/f...-few-friends/�� Theres a lot of info on us in that thread but I will get rid of it soon. My friend owns a free vent server atm (5 slots :( ) But we are open to trying out skype. I would like to hear from you soon. Thanks!

Edited by EvanB
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Hi EvanB. I saw your thread, and I have to say; your goals are very similiar to mine.

Please add me on Skype, you can find it in my profile.

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Hi EvanB. I saw your thread, and I have to say; your goals are very similiar to mine.

Please add me on Skype, you can find it in my profile.

Ok, I think I sent you a request.

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Ok, I think I sent you a request.

I did not receive one, please PM me your Skype.

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Edit: Horrible experience with this clan. Detta is never on and has a serious ego complex and misplaced sense of importance. There's little to no functioning organization and duping, harassment, racism, spamming and even stalking (seriously) is ignored by the "leader" unless you personally offend him. The few cool people remaining aren't on much anymore. Seriously, just stay away.

Edited by noiradle
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Bumpy! Good people here! We need a girl for me to obsess over though.

I agree.

Edited by Criand
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